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Youth unemployment, socio-economic divergences and fiscal capacity in the euro area

Rodrigues, M.J., (2013), “Youth unemployment, socio-economic divergences and fiscal capacity in the euro area”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper No.101, Νοέμβριος. While the European Heads of States and Governments, institutions, and social partners meet at the High level conference on youth employment in Paris, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes a Policy Paper on these issues, by Maria João Rodrigues, member of our board of directors. …Read More

Investing in Europe’s physical and knowledge infrastructure

Coulter, S., (2013), “Investing in Europe’s physical and knowledge infrastructure”, Policy Network, 21 Οκτωβρίου. Europe would benefit from extra investment in both its physical and knowledge infrastructure – the two are necessities, not alternatives.  But what are the political choices and impediments to an EU investment and growth agenda? With Europe’s debt crisis receding for the moment and the economic numbers slowly ticking up, heads are beginning to lift up …Read More

The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad for the EU

Grabbe, H. and Lehne, S., (2013), “The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission president would be bad for the EU”, Centre for European Reform, 14 Οκτώβρίου. The EU urgently needs measures to improve its democratic legitimacy and the decisions taken in its institutions. But the most prominent proposal touted in Brussels as the solution to the democratic deficit could make the problems worse rather than better. The idea is …Read More

What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighbourhood?

Drevet, J-F., (2013), “What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighbourhood?”, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper 97, Σεπτέμβριος In this Policy Paper, Jean-François Drevet wonders about the limits of the EU and its integration and neighborhood policy. He shows that the Europe of “concentric circles” evoked by Jacques Delorshas become an undisputable fact. The author first gives an account of the integration and enlargments logics, and hence, of a …Read More

Developing the social dimension of a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union

László A., (2013), “Developing the social dimension of a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union”, European Policy Centre, Policy Brief, 13 Σεπτεμβρίου. Introducing systematic monitoring of key employment and social challenges and strengthening employment and social policy coordination would boost the social dimension of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Socio-economic divergence undermines the functioning of currency union, with employment and social crises in individual countries spilling over to others. …Read More

The way out of the Cyprus economic crisis

Theophanous, A., (2013), “The way out of the Cyprus economic crisis”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper 96, Σεπτέμβριος. This policy paper presents the current situation in Cyprus, and proposes two scenarii of a way out of the Cyprus economic crisis: a reframing of the current Troika’s philosophy, or an eventual temporary exit from the euro area. After having analysed the current economic, political and social situation of …Read More

We Need a New Grand Bargain in Europe

Tsoukalis, Loukas, (2013), “We Need a New Grand Bargain in Europe”, ΖΙΒ 01/2013, Ιούνιος. This article examines the linkages between economics and politics, markets and institutions during the most serious crisis that has hit Europe for decades. With the bursting of a big international financial bubble at its origin, it has exposed a systemic failure in the euro area coupled with different national failures. Many unthinkables have become reality since …Read More

The continent-wide rise of Euroscepticism

Torreblanca, Jose Ignacio and Leonard, Mark, (2013), “The continent-wide rise of Euroscepticism”, European Council on Foreign Relations, 16 Μαΐου. Euroscepticism has spread across the continent like a virus. It is striking that everyone in the EU has been losing faith in the European project: both creditors and debtors, eurozone countries, would- be members and “opt-outs”. So what is going on? In ECFR’s new policy memo – The continent – wide …Read More

Democracy, Solidarity And The European Crisis

Habermas, Jürgen, (2013), “Democracy, Solidarity And The European Crisis”, Social Europe Journal, 7 Μαΐου. The European Union owes its existence to the efforts of political elites who could count on the passive consent of their more or less indifferent populations as long as the peoples could regard the Union as also being in their economic interests, all things considered. The Union has legitimized itself in the eyes of the citizens …Read More

Οι επιπτώσεις την οικονομικής κρίσης στον αμυντικό σχεδιασμό – Η «Έξυπνη Άμυνα» ως αντίδοτο στην στενότητα των πόρων”

Κωσταράκος, Μιχαήλ, (2013), “Οι επιπτώσεις την οικονομικής κρίσης στον αμυντικό σχεδιασμό – Η «Έξυπνη Άμυνα» ως αντίδοτο στην στενότητα των πόρων”, Foreign Affairs – The Hellenic Edition, 14 Απριλίου. Οι επιπτώσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο έχουν δυσμενή αντίκτυπο σε όλο το φάσμα λειτουργίας των ενόπλων δυνάμεων των συμμαχικών χωρών. Ο αμυντικός προϋπολογισμός είναι ένα από τα κύρια συστατικά του κρατικού προϋπολογισμού και επομένως οι κυβερνήσεις είναι βέβαιο ότι …Read More