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Global and Eurozone imbalances: A question of civic capital?

Bützer, S., Jordan, C. and Stracca, L., (2013), “Global and Eurozone imbalances: A question of civic capital?”, VoxEU, 23 Νοεμβρίου. Since the advent of the Eurozone sovereign-debt crisis, economic commentators have drawn attention to macroeconomic imbalances within the Eurozone. This column presents evidence on the link between macroeconomic imbalances and differences in culture – or more specifically, interpersonal trust. A conservative estimatation suggests that a one standard-deviation increase in trust …Read More

Addressing competitiveness or financial fragmentation? – a false dilemma

O’Neil , J. and Terzi, A., (2013), “Addressing competitiveness or financial fragmentation? – a false dilemma”, Bruegel, 22 Νοεμβρίου. In explaining competitiveness developments in the EU, use is being made of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Indicator. However, in its aggregated form, this index risks conveying deceptive policy recommendations.  The sharp fall in competitiveness observed in programme countries throughout the crisis is to be attributed largely to financial stress …Read More

Firms’ export dynamics: Experience vs. size

Berthou, A. and Vicard, V., (2013), “Firms’ export dynamics: Experience vs. size”, European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, No. 1616, Νοέμβριος. This paper provides evidence about the impact that size and experience in exporting have on firms’ dynamics, a critical input in models of firms dynamics. The analysis uses a census of French exports by firm-destination-product over the period 1994-2008 with a monthly frequency. We first uncover a large calendar …Read More

Health at a Glance 2013

OECD, (2013), Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, Paris: OECD. This seventh edition of Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data on different aspects of the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It provides striking evidence of large variations across countries in the costs, activities and results of health systems. Key indicators provide information on health status, the determinants of health, health care activities and health …Read More

Η Πρόταση 4.0

Βαρουφάκης, Γ., (2013), “Η Πρόταση 4.0”,, 18 Νοεμβρίου. Τρία χρόνια πέρασαν από την πρώτη εμφάνιση της πρότασής μας για το πώς είναι δυνατόν να επιλυθεί η Κρίση του Ευρώ εδώ στο protagon – υπό τον σύντομο τίτλο «Πρόταση» στα ελληνικά και «Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro Crisis» στα αγγλικά («Μια Μετριοπαθής Πρόταση για την Επίλυση της Κρίσης του Ευρώ»). Από τότε έχει προσαρμοστεί αρκετές φορές (βλ. π.χ. 2.0 …Read More

A Schuman compact for the euro area

Mody, A., (2013), “A Schuman compact for the euro area”, Bruegel, Bruegel Essay and Lecture Series, Νοέμβριος. Five years of crisis have pushed Europe to take emergency financial measures to cushion the free fall of distressed countries. However, efforts to turn the crisis into a spur for “an ever closer union” have met with political resistance to the surrender of fiscal sovereignty. If such a union remains elusive, a perpetual …Read More

Structural Reforms – Be Careful What You Wish For!

Janssen, R., (2013), “Structural Reforms – Be Careful What You Wish For!”, Social Europe Journal, 20 Νοεμβρίου. “Be bolder in tackling structural reforms”. It almost sounds like a line from the Star Trek television series but it is Commission President Barroso presenting the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) (see here). This then is the key message coming from the new AGS: Reforms, reforms and more reforms. However, before continuing on …Read More

The Eurozone is not suffering from an economic crisis, but a crisis of national politics

Alonso, S., (2013), “The Eurozone is not suffering from an economic crisis, but a crisis of national politics”, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 20 Νοεμβρίου. One of the most worrying aspects of the Eurozone crisis has been its effect on democracy. Sonia Alonso argues that while the crisis has weakened democracy in several countries, particularly with regard to the implementation of austerity policies against public opposition, this should not …Read More

The ECB rate cut was driven by the needs of Germany, not the needs of the Eurozone

Coppola, F., (2013), “The ECB rate cut was driven by the needs of Germany, not the needs of the Eurozone”, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 19 Νοεμβρίου. Earlier this month, the European Central Bank cut its benchmark interest rate to a new low of 0.25 per cent, down from 0.5 per cent. Frances Coppola writes that the rate cut is unlikely to offer any help to the struggling economies …Read More

What’s Stopping Robust Recovery?

Spence, M., (2013), “What’s Stopping Robust Recovery?”, Project Syndicate, 19 Νοεμβρίου. The growth map of the global economy is relatively clear. The US is in a partial recovery, with growth at 1.5-2% and lagging employment. Europe as a whole is barely above zero growth, with large variations among countries, though with some evidence of painful re-convergence, at least in terms of nominal unit labor costs. China’s growth, meanwhile, is leveling …Read More