Batini, Nicoletta, Melina, Giovanni, Moreno Badia, Marialuz, Villa, Stefania, (2017), “The Role of Fiscal Policy When Private Debt is High”, EconoMonitor, 15 Μαρτίου Excessive private debt is a major headwind against the global recovery. Where fiscal space is available, a more active role of fiscal policies can facilitate an orderly private deleveraging while minimizing its output costs. However, fiscal policy cannot do it alone; it has to be supported by complementary …Read More
Sovereign spreads in the Eurozone on the rise: Redenomination risk versus political risk
De Santis, Roberto, (2017), “Sovereign spreads in the Eurozone on the rise: Redenomination risk versus political risk”, VoxEu, 16 Μαρτίου French sovereign spreads have risen in recent months, coinciding with debate over the euro ahead of the country’s presidential elections in May. Italian sovereign spreads have been rising since the beginning of 2016. This column argues that investors are not pricing a break-up of France from the Eurozone. Most likely, they …Read More
What happened to global banking after the crisis?
Schoenmaker, Dirk, (2017), “What happened to global banking after the crisis?”, Bruegel, 14 Μαρτίου The global financial crisis allegedly led to the end of global banking. However, we find that reports of the demise of global banking are premature. Among the global systemically important banks, we find that there has been a shift of business from the global European banks to the more domestic Asian banks, which are gradually increasing …Read More
Europe’s Bailout Misery
Ashworth, Marcus, (2017), “Europe’s Bailout Misery”, Bloomberg Gadfly, 13 Μαρτίου Europe’s tale of two rescue funds is morphing into a worrying saga. The outlook for the region’s original crisis bailout vehicle, the European Financial Stability Fund, to raise sufficient long-term funds to do its job is getting trickier. Despite last week being a pretty decent one for bond issuance, the EFSF stayed on the sidelines. Meanwhile, its more-popular sister fund, the European Stability …Read More
An update: Sovereign bond holdings in the euro area – the impact of QE
Huttl, Pia, Goncalves Raposo, Ines, (2017), “An update: Sovereign bond holdings in the euro area – the impact of QE”, Bruegel, 9 Μαρτίου Since the ECB’s announcement of its QE programme in January 2015, national central banks have been buying government and national agency bonds. In this post we look at the effect of QE on sectoral holdings of government bonds, updating our calculations published in May and November 2016. …Read More
Rethinking GDP
Coyle, Diane, (2017), “Rethinking GDP”, IMF Finance & Decelopment 54(1), Μάρτιος Why does economic growth matter? The answer for economists is that it measures an important component of social progress—namely, economic welfare, or how much benefit members of society get from the way resources are used and allocated. A look at GDP per capita over the long haul tells the story of innovation and escape from the Malthusian trap of …Read More
Whither Economic Growth?
Crafts, Nicholas, (2017), “Whither Economic Growth?”, IMF Finance & Development 54(1), Μάρτιος It seems like only yesterday that the so-called new economy was ascendant and growth expectations were buoyant. But today there is a widespread fear of a future of secular stagnation, in which very slow growth will be the new normal—especially in advanced economies. While it is clear that the turn-of-the-century optimism was not justified, it is also possible …Read More
Foreign booms, domestic busts: The global dimension of banking crises
Cesa-Bianchi, Ambrogio, Martin, Fernando Eguren, Thwaites, Gregory, (2017), “Foreign booms, domestic busts: The global dimension of banking crises”, VoxEu, 23 Φεβρουαρίου Banking crises tend to happen in ‘waves’ across countries. In examining why this occurs, this column shows how foreign financial developments in general, and global credit growth in particular, are powerful predictors of domestic banking crises. The channels seem to be financial rather than related to trade, and include transmission …Read More
Don’t give up on Europe as an investment destination
Gallo, Alberto, (2017), “Don’t give up on Europe as an investment destination”, LSE, 21 Φεβρουαρίου Politically, the year 2017 looks like a minefield for Europe. Economically, however, the situation is much more promising: growth and inflation continue to accelerate and in the latest indices of economic surprises Europe has been faring better than the US. ECB stimulus is starting to work, unemployment is slowly falling and consumer confidence is rising. …Read More
New eBook: Misallocation in Europe during the Global Crisis: Some stylised facts
Banerjee, Biswajit, Coricelli, Fabrizio, (2017), “New eBook: Misallocation in Europe during the Global Crisis: Some stylised facts “, VoxEu, 8 Φεβρουαρίου Financial markets and the banking sectors in several European countries are still struggling to recover from the Global crisis, with many instances of unresolved problems involving bad loans and fragility of banks. This column introduces a new CEPR eBook, drawing on research presented at the first conference of the European …Read More