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In Defense of Varoufakis

El-Erian, Mohamed A., (2015), “In Defense of Varoufakis”, Project Syndicate, 29 Ιουλίου. From blaming him for the renewed collapse of the Greek economy to accusing him of illegally plotting Greece’s exit from the eurozone, it has become fashionable to disparage Yanis Varoufakis, the country’s former finance minister. While I have never met or spoken to him, I believe that he is getting a bad rap (and increasingly so). In the process, …Read More

How to keep Greece in

Odendahl, Christian, (2015), “How to keep Greece in”, Center for European Reform, 27 Ιουλίου A paralysed banking system and a lingering threat of exit from the eurozone would hurt any economy. Greece needs swift action to restore its financial sector, an end to all threats of Grexit, a bigger EU investment programme than currently planned, debt relief and a Greek-led cross-party plan on institutional reforms. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Eichengreen, Barry, Evans, Gary, Αllen, Peter, (2015), …Read More

What Next After Tsipras Dashed Schäuble’s Hopes For Grexit?

Hoffer, Frank, (2015), “What Next After Tsipras Dashed Schäuble’s Hopes For Grexit?”, Social Europe Journal, 27 Ιουλίου A Greek government forced to bow to the impossible, a referendum brushed aside, the Franco-German partnership damaged, European compromise diplomacy replaced by ultimatums, the euro in limbo, large parts of Europe swept by anti-German fear and resentment and another €83bn sunk into a doomed “rescue package”. Not quite how successful policies are supposed …Read More

Why I’ve Changed My Mind About Grexit

Munevar, Daniel, (2015), “Why I’ve Changed My Mind About Grexit”, Social Europe Journal, 23 Ιουλίου Well, first of all it’s still not clear that there will be an actual agreement – there are several parliaments that need to approve their country’s participation in an ESM bailout. And even if they somehow reach an agreement, there is simply no way it can work. The economics of the program are just insane. …Read More

The Euro Summit deal: defeat or victory? A response to Robert Howse

Ioannidis, Michael, (2015), “The Euro Summit deal: defeat or victory? A response to Robert Howse”,, 16 Ιουλίου The prevailing perception of last Monday’s Euro Summit Agreement is that it amounts to a humiliating defeat of the Greek government. In a thought-provoking piece published on Verfassungsblog, Professor Robert Howse argues the opposite. He invites us to read the Agreement as the outcome of a successful strategy of the Greek side. …Read More

The Deal on Greek Debt: Political Gamechanger for Europe, Tactical Retreat (not Surrender) by Tsipras

Howse,  Robert, (2015), “The Deal on Greek Debt: Political Gamechanger for Europe, Tactical Retreat (not Surrender) by Tsipras”,, 13 Ιουλίου The conventional wisdom, delivered before anyone could really ponder the fine print of the Greek debt deal, is that Tsipras surrendered to the creditors in a humiliating defeat.  His referendum and prior tenacity in negotiations proved futile,according to the predominant account that has emerged in the media and the …Read More

Intentionally or otherwise, Schäuble has killed off the prospect of a Grexit

Otero-Iglesias, Miguel, (2015), “Intentionally or otherwise, Schäuble has killed off the prospect of a Grexit”, LSE blog, 23 Ιουλίου One of the more controversial ideas put forward during the Greek debt crisis has been the suggestion by the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, that Greece could temporarily leave the Eurozone for a period of five years. Miguel Otero-Iglesias writes that while the idea itself has been widely criticised, the hard-line taken …Read More

Why the Greek Deal Will Work

Kaletsly, Anatole, (2015), “Why the Greek Deal Will Work”, Project Syndicate, 22 Ιουλίου Now that Greek banks have reopened and the government has made scheduled payments to the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, does Greece’s near-death experience mark the end of the euro crisis? The conventional answer is a clear no.According to most economists and political commentators, the latest Greek bailout was little more than an analgesic. …Read More

Could there be political contagion from Greece?

Ruparel, Raoul, (2015), “Could there be political contagion from Greece?”, Open Europe blog, 21 Ιουλίου As the dust settles following the latest agreement between Greece and its creditors it is worth stepping back and examining what it, along with Syriza’s time in office so far, might mean for other peripheral countries and other rising populist parties in Europe. Raoul Ruparel looks at the potential for political contagion. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Slaughter, …Read More

The Myth Of The EU’s €35bn Investment Package For Greece

Kühnlenz, Andre, (2015), “The Myth Of The EU’s €35bn Investment Package For Greece”, Social Europe Journal, 21 Ιουλίου We can all recall an enthusiastic Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Shortly before negotiations with Greece broke off at the end of June he supposedly promised Alexis Tsipras an investment package worth €35bn. At first glance this sounded pretty generous, particularly for a country in which, since 2010, the stock of capital has …Read More