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Syriza Was In A Lose-Lose Situation

Galbraith, James K, (2015), “Syriza Was In A Lose-Lose Situation”, Social Europe Journal, 17 Ιουλίου As a friend of – and advisor to – former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, James K. Galbraith has followed the negotiations up close from the start. Here he talks to Thomas Fazi about the latest bailout deal, the Greek government’s negotiating strategy and the lessons of the Greek tragedy for the European left.   …Read More

Germany and Greece: In Victory, Magnanimity?

Funk Kirkegaard, Jacob, (2015), “Germany and Greece: In Victory, Magnanimity?”, Real Time Economic Issues Watch, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 14 Ιουλίου The agreement between Greece and its international creditors announced on Monday represents a predictable capitulation by the Greek government from a position advanced for weeks by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Faced with the dire repercussions of an exit from euro area institutions—including a collapse of its banking system …Read More

Greece should prepare for Grexit and then not do it

Wyplosz, Charles, (2015), “Greece should prepare for Grexit and then not do it”, Voxeu, 20 Ιουλίου There is a high likelihood that Grexit will be back on the table. This column argues that Greece can strengthen its negotiating position if it is prepared for exit. Grexit remains a disastrous choice, but it has become the default option for Greece and its creditors. However, preparing for Grexit does not mean leaving the …Read More

Why debt sustains corruption in Greece and vice versa

Koulovatianos, Christos, Tsoukalas,  John, (2015), “Why debt sustains corruption in Greece and vice versa”, Voxeu, 20 Ιουλίου As numerous Greek MEPs opposed the Eurozone summit deal, implementation will require a broad coalition of political parties. This column argues that corruption in Greek politics will prevent the formation of such a coalition. The heavy debt service leads parties to invent extreme ways of responding to super-austerity and to strongly oppose direct reforms that …Read More

Greek Theme Park ‘Dettoland’: A Modest Anti-crisis Proposal

Rossman, Peter, (2015), “Greek Theme Park ‘Dettoland’: A Modest Anti-crisis Proposal”, Social Europe Journal, 20 Ιουλίου Where there’s a will there’s a way, Chancellor Merkel reminds us. Now that the IMF has revisited the numbers and (again) come up with the unsurprising conclusion that Greek debt is hugely unsustainable, it’s time to revisit the proposal for a Greek asset fund. Like the debt sustainability figures based on growth and budget …Read More

Ireland And Greece

Wren Lewis, Simon, (2015), “Ireland And Greece”, Social Europe Journal, `20 Ιουλίου Ireland is often regarded as a success story for Eurozone austerity, compared to the total failure of Greece. That can lead to nonsense like this: instead of whingeing, the Greeks should buckle under and get on with it as Ireland has done. An alternative narrative is to explain the different experience of the two economies by looking at structural …Read More

One Thing Europe Got Right in Greece’s Crisis

Gilbert, Mark, (2015), “One Thing Europe Got Right in Greece’s Crisis”, Bloomberg View, 16 Ιουλίου Greece’s slow-motion economic car crash is an ongoing debacle, but Europe’s success at ring-fencing the disaster has been remarkable. Judging from the currency market, the threat of contagion in Europe has steadily diminished month by month since March.Here’s a chart showing the monthly swings in the euro’s value against the dollar this year. Those trading ranges have …Read More

Greece: And the can keeps on rolling…

Beck, Thorsten, (2015), “Greece: And the can keeps on rolling…”, Voxeu, 15 Ιουλίου Monday’s deal was a political compromise consistent with the political constraints of Greece and its creditors. It is doubtful, however, that it will provide a long-term solution to Greece’s economic crisis. At a minimum, the momentum should be used to eliminate the option of Grexit once and for all. The bank-sovereign ties should be cut to turn …Read More

Europe’s Greek Failure

Gros, Daniel, (2015), “Europe’s Greek Failure”, Project Syndicate, 9 Ιουλίου Narratives matter, especially when they are intertwined with hard interests. As Greece and its creditors court catastrophe, we are getting a clear picture of how conflicting narratives can lead to a lose-lose result. The facts are indisputable. In early 2010, when the Greek government could no longer finance itself, it turned to its European partners and the International Monetary Fund …Read More

A Pain in the Athens

Blyth, Mark, (2015), “A Pain in the Athens”, Foreign Affairs Journal, 7 Ιουλίου When the anti-austerity party Syriza came to power in Greece in January 2015, Cornel Ban and I wrote in a Foreign Affairs article that, at some point, Europe was bound to face an Alexis Tsipras, the party’s leader and Greek prime minister, “because there’s only so long you can ask people to vote for impoverishment today based …Read More