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How to solve Europe’s three biggest problems

David Folkerts-Landau (ed.), (2016), “How to solve Europe’s three biggest problems”, Konzept – Deutsche Bank Research, Ιούνιος In this issue we tackle three of the most intractable problems facing Europe today: moribund economic growth, the refugee crisis and a banking sector that struggles to satisfy anyone even eight years after the financial crisis. Our three feature articles show that credible solutions exist provided that governments, policymakers, investors as well as the …Read More

Shadow banking in the euro area: risks and vulnerabilities in the investment fund sector

Doyle, Nicola, Hermans, Lieven, Molitor, Philippe , Weistroffe, Christian, (2016), “Shadow banking in the euro area: risks and vulnerabilities in the investment fund sector”, ECB  Occasional Paper 174, Ιούνιος This paper first highlights the structural features of shadow banking in the euro area, focussing on investment funds. It then discusses the potential systemic risks that the recent expansion of the investment fund sector presents. While investment funds provide important intermediation services to …Read More

Credibility of central bank(er)s

Demertzis, Maria, Viegi, Nicola, (2016), “Credibility of central bank(er)s”, VoxEU, 28 Ιουνίου Both the Fed and the ECB have managed to remain credible since the Global Crisis, but their credibility levels have evolved differently. This column argues that since inflation in the US and the Eurozone has been similar in the past eight years, the difference in the way that credibility has evolved is the result of the different macroeconomic policy …Read More

Europe: a question of survival

Grevi, Giovanni, (2016), “Europe: a question of survival”, European Policy Centre, 27 Ιουνίου The choice of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (EU) poses a fundamental question that can no longer be avoided – that of the survival of European integration. Chancellor Merkel rightly defined Brexit as a “watershed” moment for Europe. She omitted, however, that beyond this turning point lies the crossroads between a spiral of political and …Read More

The Political Economy of Public Debt: A Laboratory Study

Battaglini, Marco, Nunnari, Salvatore, Palfrey, Thomas R, (2016), “The Political Economy of Public Debt: A Laboratory Study”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Ιούνιος This paper reports the results from a laboratory experiment designed to study political distortions in the accumulation of public debt. A legislature bargains over the levels of a public good and of district specific transfers in two periods. The legislature can issue or purchase risk-free bonds in the first period and …Read More

How the Eurozone Can Be Strengthened After Brexit

Olivier, Blanchard, (2016), “How the Eurozone Can Be Strengthened After Brexit”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 27 Ιουνίου exit raises fundamental questions, about the course of history, the nature of relations between European countries, the rise of populists, and the devalued status of politicians. These will be analyzed at length for months and years to come. Meanwhile, Europe must continue to function. Both the European Union and eurozone projects have to …Read More

Six lessons about “real” people, Brexit, and the EU

Wolff, Guntram, (2016), “Six lessons about “real” people, Brexit, and the EU”, Bruegel, 27 Ιουνίου The result of the UK referendum on 23 June has been portrayed as a victory for “real people”. But what consequences will the result have, and how should the UK and EU now react?  “…this will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people.” These are the words …Read More

Why it doesn’t make sense to hold bonds

Csullag, Balazs, Danielsson, Jon, Macrae, Robert, (2016), “Why it doesn’t make sense to hold bonds”, VoxEU, 27 Ιουνίου Investor demand for bonds is very high. This column argues that this is surprising because under almost any likely inflation scenario, including central banks merely hitting their target inflation rates, bondholders suffer large losses. The beneficiaries are sovereign and corporate borrowers; the losers are pension funds, insurance companies and some foreign exchange reserve funds. Meanwhile, …Read More

Testing the resilience of banking union

Stanislas de Finance, Risto Nieminen, (2016), “Testing the resilience of banking union”, European Added Value Unit PE 558.778, Απρίλιος This ‘Cost of Non-Europe Report’ examines the robustness of the Banking Union framework under various stress scenarios and identifies the cost of the lack of further European action in this field. The study suggests that the potential gains from a deepened Economic and Monetary Union would be substantial, should a new financial …Read More

Jumpstarting Europe’s Economy

Tyson, Laura, Labaye, Eric, (2016), “Jumpstarting Europe’s Economy”, Project Syndicate, 25 Ιουνίου Not so long ago, the notion of the European Central Bank handing out money to governments or directly to citizens – so-called “helicopter money” drops – would have seemed outlandish. But today a surprising number of mainstream economists and centrist politicians are endorsing the idea of monetary financing of stimulus measures in different forms.This represents a much-needed change …Read More