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Inflation expectations and global risks: the need for ECB action

Wolff B., Guntram, (2015), “Inflation expectations and global risks: the need for ECB action”, Bruegel, 21 Οκτωβρίου The ECB will have its next monetary decision meeting on Thursday. Instead of following politically motivated statements that complain about low nominal rates, the ECB needs to focus on its mandate: price stability, defined as inflation rates close to but below 2% in the medium-run. So what do data on inflation dynamics and …Read More

Union power and inequality

Jaumotte,  Florence,  Osorio Buitron, Carolina, (2015), “Union power and inequality”, VoxEU, 22 Οκτωβρίου Inequality in advanced economies has risen considerably since the 1980s, largely driven by the increase of top earners’ income shares. This column revisits the drivers of inequality, emphasising the role played by changes in labour market institutions. It argues that the decline in union density has been strongly associated with the rise of top income inequality and discusses the …Read More

Free movement of labour in Europe: a solution for better labour allocation?

Galgóczi, Béla, Leschke, Janine, (2015), “Free movement of labour in Europe: a solution for better labour allocation?”, European Trade Union Institute, Ιούνιος The European Commission has time and again promoted intra-EU labour mobility as a major contributor to the better functioning of European labour markets. On the other hand, concerns about increasing labour mobility are mounting in a number of member states and populist parties are trying to capitalise on …Read More

The public-private sector pay debate in Europe

Müller, Torsten, Schulten, Thorsten, (2015), “The public-private sector pay debate in Europe”, European Trade Union Institute, Αύγουστος This Working Paper critically reviews the empirical evidence and the basic assumptions on which European and national policymakers base their strategy of cutting and freezing public sector pay as one central element of the current crisis management. Using comparative studies and new statistical data, the paper demonstrates that these assumptions are wrong, as …Read More

Financial industry mobilisation and securities markets regulation in Europe

Chalmers, Adam William, (2015), “Financial industry mobilisation and securities markets regulation in Europe”, European Journal of Political Research, Issue 3, Volume 54, Αύγουστος The 2007–2009 financial crisis has led to considerable debate about the role of financial industry actors in global regulatory processes. This article seeks to contribute to this debate by assessing when and why financial industry actors mobilise in order to influence securities markets regulations. Do these mobilisation …Read More

Fiscal policy adjustments in the euro area stressed countries: new evidence from non-linear models with state-varying thresholds

De Santis A., Roberto, Legrenzi, Gabriella and Milas, Costas, (2015), “Fiscal policy adjustments in the euro area stressed countries: new evidence from non-linear models with state-varying thresholds”, ECB Working Paper Series, No 1858, Οκτώβριος We introduce a non-linear model to study the adjustment of fiscal policy variables in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain over the last 50 years, based on endogenously estimated budget deficit-to-GDP thresholds, which vary with fiscal disequilibria, the economic cycle and financial market …Read More

Dealing with Systemic Sovereign Debt Crises: Fiscal Consolidation, Bail-ins or Official Transfers?

Sandri, Damiano, (2015), “Dealing with Systemic Sovereign Debt Crises: Fiscal Consolidation, Bail-ins or Official Transfers?”, IMF Working Paper, WP/15/223, 16 Οκτωβρίου The paper presents a tractable model to understand how international financial institutions (IFIs) should deal with the sovereign debt crisis of a systemic country, in which case private creditors’ bail-ins entail international spillovers. Besides lending to the country up to its borrowing capacity, IFIs face the difficult issue of how …Read More

The macro-micro conflict

Danielsson, Jon, Fouché, Morgane, Macrae, Robert, (2015), “The macro-micro conflict”, Voxeu, 20 Οκτωβρίου There has always been conflict between macro- and microeconomic regulation. Microeconomic policy reigns supreme during good times, and macro during bad. This column explains that while the macro and micro objectives have always been present in regulatory design, their relative importance has varied according to the changing requirements of economic, financial and political cycles. The conflict between the two seems set to …Read More

How will refugees affect European economies?

Huttl, Pia, Leandro, Alvaro, (2015), “How will refugees affect European economies?”, Bruegel publications, 19 Οκτωβρίου What’s at stake: The continuing wave of refugees arriving at the borders of the European Union has sparked discussions all around Europe on how to deal with it, and what the impact will be on the European economies. We review the blog discussions on the economic impact of the refugees, and the challenges that they …Read More

Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)

European Commission, (2015), “Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)”, Vol. 14, No. 3, Instituional Paper 010,  Οκτώβριος Seven years since the beginning of the global financial crisis, the euro area’s recovery remains subdued and fragile. This is despite improved framework conditions for growth since 2014, notably in terms of fiscal and monetary policy stances. To better understand the key features of the current recovery, this chapter presents a comparison of recent economic developments in the euro …Read More