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Public policy in a zero-growth scenario

Perotti, Enrico, (2016), “Public policy in a zero-growth scenario”, VoxEu, 16 Δεκεμβρίου Per-capita income in developed countries has stagnated, which most economists regard as a departure from the long-run trend. This column argues that zero long-term growth will be the new normal. In this zero-growth world, spending increases must always be balanced against spending reductions elsewhere or in the future, which creates a further problem: no politician could implement policy …Read More

Macroeconomic stabilization, monetary-fiscal interactions, and Europe’s monetary union

Corsetti, Giancarlo, Dedola, Luca,  Jarociński, Marek, Maćkowiak, Bartosz, Schmidt, Sebastian, (2016), “Macroeconomic stabilization, monetary-fiscal interactions, and Europe’s monetary union“, European Central Bank,  Δεκέμβριος The euro area has been experiencing a prolonged period of weak economic activity and very low inflation. This paper reviews models of business cycle stabilization with an eye to formulating lessons for policy in the euro area. According to standard models, after a large recessionary shock accommodative monetary and …Read More

Skill Shortage and Surplus Occupations in Europe

CEDEFOP, (2016), “Skill Shortage and Surplus Occupations in Europe“, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training,  November 2016 European policymakers have long-standing interest in the extent, causes and consequences of skill mismatch. Problems posed by skill shortages and surpluses are of particular concern. Cedefop has developed an innovative risk-based approach that helps identify occupations that European and national policymakers should prioritise due to skill mismatch. It also provides insights into …Read More

No hawks, no doves, only consensus: How central banks set interest rates

Barwell, Richard, (2016), “No hawks, no doves, only consensus: How central banks set interest rates“, VoxEu, 19 Δεκεμβρίου It is generally assumed that central bankers often argue over the appropriate conduct of monetary policy. Focusing on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, this column argues however that based on what policymakers vote for, there is no evidence that they disagree with one another in any meaningful sense. Either policymakers …Read More

The case for a European minimum income scheme for jobseekers

Bruzelius, Cecilia, Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin, (2016), “The case for a European minimum income scheme for jobseekers”, LSE EUROPP blog, 15 Δεκεμβρίου On 13 December, the European Commission put forward a proposal to change the way EU citizens can access social benefits in other EU countries. Cecilia Bruzelius and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser argue that the proposal fails to address key weaknesses in the existing system and should be complemented by a European Minimum Income Scheme …Read More

European Unemployment Revisited: Shocks, Institutions, Integration

Bertola, Giuseppe, (2016), “European Unemployment Revisited: Shocks, Institutions, Integration”, International Monetary Fund, 26 October This paper painstakingly restores a vintage empirical model of unemployment determination by interacting shocks and institutions, and runs it on recent data featuring dramatic shocks and controversial institutional change. Theoretical insights and empirical results suggest that reforms and capital áows contribute sensible and interrelated explanations for the recent twists and turns of unemployment rates in Europe …Read More

ECB contribution to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of the EU macroprudential policy framework

European Central Bank, (2016), “ECB contribution to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of the EU macroprudential policy framework”, ECB, 12 Δεκεμβρίου The European Central Bank (ECB) welcomes the consultation on the review of the EU macroprudential policy framework and underscores the importance of macroprudential policy as a complement to monetary policy and microprudential policy.1 One of the key lessons from the financial crisis in Europe was the inadequacy …Read More

European insurance union and how to get there

Schoenmaker, Dirk, (2016), “European insurance union and how to get there”, Bruegel, 13 Δεκεμβρίου What are the arguments for and against centralisation of insurance supervision? What would be the scope of a possible insurance union, and what would the legal basis be? How rapid should the move to insurance union be? This Policy Brief sets out to answer these questions. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Guntram B. Wolff, (2016), “The European Deposit Insurance …Read More

Why macropru can end up being procyclical

Danielsson, Jon, Macrae, Robert, Tsomocos, Dimitri, Zigrand, Jean-Pierre, (2016), “Why macropru can end up being procyclical”, VoxEu, 15 Δεκεμβρίου Discretionary macroprudential policies aim to be countercyclical by adjusting risk-taking across the financial cycle. This column argues that the opposite effect may happen in certain cases. Depending on how regulators measure risk and how they react, the eventual outcome may well be procyclical, with serious unintended consequences. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Merler, Silvia, …Read More

Determinants of sub-sovereign bond yield spreads: the role of fiscal fundamentals and federal bailout expectations

Beck, Roland, Ferrucci, Gianluigi, Hantzsche, Arno, Rau-Goehring, Matthias, (2016), “Determinants of sub-sovereign bond yield spreads: the role of fiscal fundamentals and federal bailout expectations”, European Central Bank, 9 Δεκεμβρίου This paper investigates to what extent yield spreads on bonds issued by sub-sovereign entities within federations are driven by bailout expectations and investors’ risk appetite, as opposed to fundamental values related to default risk. The question is analysed both across and …Read More