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The state of the monetary union

Philippon, Thomas, (2015), “The state of the monetary union”, Voxeu, 31 Αυγούστου The Eurozone crisis continues to take centre stage. This column discusses how deep the EZ crisis is, how long it will last, and what should be the policy priorities. A number of findings emerge. First, the difference in labour market performance between the US and the Eurozone is one of degree but not of kind. Second, the economic consequences …Read More

What Should China Do?

Boskin, Michael, (2015), “What Should China Do?”, Project Syndicate, 26 Αυγούστου The Chinese government’s heavy-handed efforts to contain recent stock-market volatility – the latest move prohibits short selling and sales by major shareholders – have seriously damaged its credibility. But China’s policy failures should come as no surprise. Policymakers there are far from the first to mismanage financial markets, currencies, and trade. Many European governments, for example, suffered humiliating losses …Read More

China’s stock market crash: the end of a myth

Godement, François, (2015), “China’s stock market crash: the end of a myth”, European Council on Foreing Relations, 25 Αυγούστου To any student of geo-economics, the current gyrations of China’s and the world’s stock markets are fascinating.  The Shanghai exchange is notoriously volatile: two years ago it was thoroughly depressed when the Chinese economy seemed to be booming, while over the past year it has been boiling as China’s economy slowed …Read More

Euro Area Policies

International Monetary Fund, (2015), “Euro Area Policies”, IMF Country Report No. 15/204, 27 Ιουλίου The recovery is strengthening, underpinned by lower oil prices and the ECB’s expanded asset purchase program. But the medium-term outlook remains weak, weighed down by the legacies of insufficient demand, lagging productivity, and weak bank and corporate balance sheets. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις IMF, (2015),  “Greece: An Update of IMF Staff’s Preliminary Public Debt Sustainability Analysis”, July. IMF Country …Read More

What the general public knows about monetary policy

Van der Cruijsen, Carin, Jan Jansen, David, De Haan, Jacob, (2015), “What the general public knows about monetary policy”, Voxeu, 23 Αυγούστου Central banks have typically targeted their communication at financial markets. Increasingly, however, many have started actively communicating with the general public. Using Dutch survey data, this column finds that the public’s knowledge of monetary policy objectives is far from perfect, and varies widely across respondents. Those with a greater understanding of …Read More

Economic Recovery? Why Eurozone Under-performance Continues

Weeks, John, (2015), “Economic Recovery? Why Eurozone Under-performance Continues”, Social Europe Journal, 25 Αυγούστου Prior to the release of growth statistics in the middle of August there was widespread expectation that a sustained eurozone recovery would at last be verified. However, the numbers showed a result familiar to long suffering commuters all over Europe – “we regret that this service is delayed”. This is far from the first such disappointment …Read More

Euro Area Banks Remain Vulnerable

Mody, Ashoka, Wolff, Guntram, (2015), “Euro Area Banks Remain Vulnerable”, Bruegel publications, 21 Αυγούστου The euro area’s biggest banks have reported record profits. The stress tests published by the European Central Bank late last year showed that the largest banks—those with assets of more than €500 billion—have been able to cut their non-performing exposures and increase their provisions. But the euro area banking system is not out of the woods. …Read More

Wealth and income distribution: New theories needed for a new era

Kanbur, Ravi, Stiglitz, Joseph, (2015), “Wealth and income distribution: New theories needed for a new era”, Voxeu, 18 Αυγούστου Growth theories traditionally focus on the Kaldor-Kuznets stylised facts. Ravi Kanbur and Nobelist Joe Stiglitz argue that these no longer hold; new theory is needed. The new models need to drop competitive marginal productivity theories of factor returns in favour of rent-generating mechanism and wealth inequality by focusing on the ‘rules of the game.’ …Read More

Banking Union Before Euro Adoption: Flak Jacket or Straitjacket?

Bluedorn, John,  Ilyina, Anna, Iossifov, Plamen, (2015), “Banking Union Before Euro Adoption: Flak Jacket or Straitjacket?”, IMF Direct, 19 Αυγούστου All European Union members, except Denmark and the United Kingdom, are expected under EU treaties to eventually adopt the euro. Six Central and Eastern EU members – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – are yet to do so. In the meantime, these countries have a decision to make: Should they opt in …Read More

The Downside of Labor Mobility

Krugman, Paul, (2015), “The Downside of Labor Mobility”, NY Times blog, 14 Αυγούστου The theory of optimum currency areas is one of those old-fashioned pieces of macroeconomics — like IS-LM, the concept of the liquidity trap, and the theory of secular stagnation — that has turned out to be extremely relevant and useful to the world since 2008. So this is a version of Mark Thoma’s dictum that new economic …Read More