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The Role of Fiscal Transfers in Smoothing Regional Shocks: Evidence from Existing Federations

Poghosyan, Tigran, Senhadji, Abdelhak, Cottarelli, Carlo, (2016), ” The Role of Fiscal Transfers in Smoothing Regional Shocks: Evidence from Existing Federations“, ESM Working Paper Series, July 2016 We assess the extent to which fiscal transfers smooth regional shocks in three large federations: the US, Canada and Australia. We find that fiscal transfers offset 4-11 percent of idiosyncratic shocks (risk-sharing) and 13-24 percent of permanent shocks (redistribution). This fiscal insurance largely operates through automatic stabilizers embedded …Read More

Big Bad Actors: A Global View of Debt

Gaspar, Vitor, Moreno Badia, Marialuz, (2016), “Big Bad Actors: A Global View of Debt”, iMF Direct, 5 Οκτωβρίου In the midst of the Great Depression, the American economist Irving Fisher warned of the dangers of excessive debt and the deflationary pressures that follow on its tail. He saw debt and deflation as the big, bad actors. Now, their close relatives—too high debt and too low inflation—are still in play, at …Read More

Fiscal Monitor: Debt—Use It Wisely

International Monetary Fund, (2016), “Fiscal Monitor: Debt—Use It Wisely”, IMF, Οκτώβριος At 225 percent of world GDP, the global debt of the nonfinancial sector—comprising the general government, households, and nonfinancial firms—is currently at an all-time high. Two-thirds, amounting to about $100 trillion, consists of liabilities of the private sector which, as documented in an extensive literature, can carry great risks when they reach excessive levels. However, there is considerable heterogeneity, …Read More

GDP growth — is it “good enough” or does it distort policymaking?

Graham, Carol, (2016), “GDP growth — is it “good enough” or does it distort policymaking?”, Brookings, 5 Οκτωβρίου Today, standard benchmarks of progress, productivity, job quality, and democracy are being upended. Income-based measures such as gross domestic product (GDP) served us well for decades, yet when GDP counts pollutant-generating economic activity on the positive side of the balance sheet, or when it fails to measure unpaid labor activity, it falls short. …Read More

Central banks are facing a crisis of confidence – it’s time to reinvent global monetary policy

Shen, Dennis, (2016), “Central banks are facing a crisis of confidence – it’s time to reinvent global monetary policy”, LSE Europpblog, 6 Οκτωβρίου Since the financial crisis, central banks have taken on a far more significant role in economic management. But with diminishing returns of and unintended consequences from existing policies, monetary policy now faces a crisis of confidence. Dennis Shen explores policy innovations that could support global central banks battling …Read More

World Economic Outlook: Subdued Demand: Symptoms and Remedies

International Monetary Fund, (2016), “World Economic Outlook: Subdued Demand: Symptoms and Remedies”, IMF, Οκτώβριος Global growth is projected to slow to 3.1 percent in 2016 before recovering to 3.4 percent in 2017. The forecast, revised down by 0.1 percentage point for 2016 and 2017 relative to April, reflects a more subdued outlook for advanced economies following the June U.K. vote in favor of leaving the European Union (Brexit) and weaker-than-expected …Read More

The Great Stagnation

Labouré, Marion, Braunstein, Juergen, (2016), “The Great Stagnation”, LSE Euro Crisis in the Press, 4 Οκτωβρίου The recent Brexit vote, as well as high uncertainty around a number of upcoming elections (e.g., the 2016 US and 2017 French presidential elections), are only symptoms of a larger underlying problem. Voting for populist and extremist campaigns is a mean of expressing discontent with the status quo, but with far reaching implications. We believe there …Read More

What we really know about the global financial safety net

Scheubel, Beatrice, Stracca, Livio, (2016), “What we really know about the global financial safety net”, VoxEu, 4 Οκτωβρίου The global financial safety net is one of the key infrastructures of financial globalization. However, its current constellation does not reflect a coherent design, but rather the interaction of different instruments used for different purposes and developed over time. This column presents the first database that brings together all of the relevant …Read More

What Deutsche Bank’s Troubles Tell Us about the Health of Europe’s Banking System

Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, (2016), “What Deutsche Bank’s Troubles Tell Us about the Health of Europe’s Banking System”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 30 Σεπτεμβρίου The stock of Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, is currently trading at multi-decade lows and the bank is edging closer to suffering a general crisis of confidence, which could see investors pull their business from the bank and even depositors wanting their money out. We are not …Read More

Fiscal capacity to support large banks

Hüttl, Pia, Schoenmaker, Dirk, (2016), “Fiscal capacity to support large banks”, Bruegel, 3 Οκτωβρίου During the global financial crisis and subsequent euro-debt crisis, the fiscal resources of some countries appeared to be insufficient to support their banking systems. These countries needed outside support to stabilise their banking systems and thereby their wider economies. This Policy Contribution assesses the potential fiscal costs of recapitalising large banks. Based on past financial crises, we estimate that the …Read More