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The effectiveness of the European Central Bank’s Asset Purchase Programme

Demertzis, Maria, Wolff, Guntram B., (2016), “The effectiveness of the European Central Bank’s Asset Purchase Programme”, Bruegel, 23 Ιουνίου Central banks resort to quantitative easing when the normal monetary policy tool of low- ering the short-term interest rate is con- strained. This constraint typically arises from the zero-lower bound, ie the reluctance to cut nominal rates below zero. This can result in a real interest rate that, while negative, is …Read More

Underinvestment and unemployment: the double hazard in the Euro Area

Christodoulakis, Nicos, Axioglou, Christos, (2016), “Underinvestment and unemployment: the double hazard in the Euro Area”, Bank of Greece, Απρίλιος An alarming legacy of the austerity programs in the euro area is the vast disinvestment that has taken place over the recent years, and especially so in the peripheral economies. Unless it is quickly reversed, disinvestment not only hinders long-term growth but also undermines the prospects of a gradual reduction of unemployment …Read More

Do Fiscal Multipliers Depend on Fiscal Positions?

Huidrom, Raju, Kose, Ayhan, Lim, Jamus, Ohnsorge, Franziska, (2016), “Do Fiscal Multipliers Depend on Fiscal Positions?”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Ιούνιος This paper analyzes the relationship between fiscal multipliers and fiscal positions of governments using an Interactive Panel Vector Auto Regression model and a large dataset of advanced and developing economies. Our methodology permits us to trace the endogenous relationship between fiscal multipliers and fiscal positions while maintaining enough degrees of freedom to …Read More

The day after Brexit: what do we know?

Batsaikhan, Uuriintuya, (2016), “The day after Brexit: what do we know?”, Bruegel, 22 Ιουνίου Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union (December 2009) sets out the procedural requirements for a member state to terminate its membership. Legal withdrawal would mean that EU Treaties and their Protocols would no longer apply, and EU financial programmes would be phased out. If the UK votes to leave the EU on Thursday, the result …Read More

Basic Income Revisited

Robert Skidelsky, (2016), “Basic Income Revisited”, Project Syndicate, 23 Ιουνίου Britain isn’t the only country holding a referendum this month. On June 5, Swiss voters overwhelmingly rejected, by 77% to 23%, the proposition that every citizen should be guaranteed an unconditional basic income (UBI). But that lopsided outcome doesn’t mean the issue is going away anytime soon. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Guio, Anne-Catherine, Marlier, Eric, Gordon, David, Fahmy, Eldin, Nandy, Shailen, Pomati, …Read More

Estimating the effect of the EMU on current account balances: A synthetic control approach

Hope, David, (2016), “Estimating the effect of the EMU on current account balances: A synthetic control approach”, European Journal of Political Economy, 24 Μαΐου The European sovereign debt crisis wrought major political and economic damage on the European Monetary Union (EMU). This led to a reassessment of the pre-crisis period of economic growth and stability in the EMU, shifting attention to the macroeconomic imbalances that emerged between member states, especially those in …Read More

Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reforms in Europe: what factors determine investments?

Canton, Erik, Solera, Irune, (2016), “Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reforms in Europe: what factors determine investments?”, European Commission, Discussion Paper 033, Ιούνιος Greenfield FDI flows into EU countries account for a non-negligible share of total EU FDI. They create new capital assets and additional production capacity which are important elements to support the transition to a stronger European growth path. This project investigates determinants of greenfield FDI flows into …Read More

From Summitry to EU Government: An Agenda Formation Perspective on the European Council

Carammia, Marcello, Princen, Sebastiaan, Timmermans, Arco, (2016), “From Summitry to EU Government: An Agenda Formation Perspective on the European Council”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 54 Issue 4, Ιούλιος While some observers have claimed that the European Council has become the key institution in European Union politics, others have argued that the Council’s role has remained relatively stable over time. In this article, we argue that an analysis of agenda formation dynamics …Read More

Is the EU really run by unelected bureaucrats?

Hix, Simon, (2016), “Is the EU really run by unelected bureaucrats?”, LSE Europpblog, Ιούνιος Much of the UK’s referendum debate has focused on the extent to which EU decision-making is democratic, with the European Commission a source of particular criticism from leave campaigners on the basis that it is unelected. Simon Hix writes that while there are legitimate problems with the EU’s system of democracy, there is little to justify the …Read More

Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level

Guio, Anne-Catherine, Marlier, Eric, Gordon, David, Fahmy, Eldin, Nandy, Shailen, Pomati, Marco, (2016), “Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level”, Journal of European Social Policy, Ιούνιος In June 2010, European Union (EU) Heads of State and Government adopted a social inclusion target as part of the new ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’: to lift at least 20 million people in the EU from the risk of poverty and exclusion by 2020. One of the three indicators used to monitor …Read More