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Public finances in Europe: fortifying EU economic governance in the shadow of the crisis

 Laffan, Brigid, Schlosser, Pierre, (2016), “Public finances in Europe: fortifying EU economic governance in the shadow of the crisis”, Journal of European Integration, 8 Μαρτίου The Eurozone crisis resulted in a decisive change of Europe’s fiscal surveillance regime that brought the question of public finance oversight sharply into focus. The Stability and Growth Pact, the fiscal cornerstone of Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), was fortified, expanded and supplemented by the so-called …Read More

The Economic Impact of Selected Structural Reform Measures in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal

European Commission, (2016), “The Economic Impact of Selected Structural Reform Measures in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal”, Institutional Paper 023, Απρίλιος This paper presents a rigorous methodology for analysing the potential impact of structural reforms by looking at actual measures in four Member States (Italy, France, Spain and Portugal). The model simulations show that the selected reform measures examined could have significant economic benefits in terms of GDP and employment. …Read More

Who Reforms for Higher Productivity?

Van der Marel, Erik, (2016), “Who Reforms for Higher Productivity?”, European Centre for International Political Economy, Μάρτιος With weak European growth performance over a longer period of time, it is time to push reforms raising the rate of productivity growth. The EU’s best strategy for it is to cut restrictions for single market trade in the services sector. There are still major restrictions in place and services regulations differ substantially between …Read More

Quarterly Report on the Euro Area

European Commission, (2016), “Quarterly Report on the Euro Area”, Volume 15, No 1, Institutional Paper 024, Απρίλιος Structural reform measures underway in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal could have significant economic benefits and raise GDP, model simulations presented in this edition of the QREA show. Other chapters in this edition look at the effects of population ageing and slowing total factor productivity growth on GDP, inflation and interest rates; and the drivers …Read More

“Social dumping” and posted workers: a new clash within the EU

Vaccarino, Elena, Darvas, Zsolt, (2016), ” “Social dumping”and posted workers: a new clash within the EU”, Bruegel, 7 Μαρτίου European companies often post employees to another EU country to work there temporarily. These ‘posted workers’ must be paid at least the minimum wage of the host country, yet their wages can be lower than the wages of local workers. Now proposals for ‘the same pay for the same work at the same place’ …Read More

Slow Growth Is a Fact of Life in the Post-Crisis World

Blanchard, Olivier, (2016), “Slow Growth Is a Fact of Life in the Post-Crisis World”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 13 Απριλίου Once the acute phases of the financial and euro crises were over, it was clear that it would take time for advanced economies to recover. The history of past financial crises gave a clear warning that recovery would typically be long and painful. Today, the scars are largely healed but growth is …Read More

Maximizing Price Stability in a Monetary Economy

Mosler, Warren, Silipo, Damiano B., (2016), “Maximizing Price Stability in a Monetary Economy”, Levy Economics Institute, Απρίλιος In this paper we analyze options for the European Central Bank (ECB) to achieve its single mandate of price stability. Viable options for price stability are described, analyzed, and tabulated with regard to both short- and long-term stability and volatility. We introduce an additional tool for promoting price stability and conclude that public purpose is …Read More

Euro area balance of payments and international investment position statistics/2015 Quality Report

European Central Bank/Euro area balance of payments and international investment position statistics/2015 Quality Report, April In line with the mission statement of the Eurosystem, the ECB is committed to adhering to the values – such as credibility, trust, transparency and accountability – that underpin the integrity of the statistical function set out in Article 5 of the Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of …Read More

Review of the Role of the EIB Group in European Cohesion Policy

Van der Zwet,  Arno, Bachtler, John, Miller, Stephen, Vernon, Phillip, Dozhdeva, Viktoriya, (2016), “Review of the Role of the EIB Group in European Cohesion Policy”, IP/B/REGI/IC/2015-019, Μάρτιος 2016 The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis and assessment of how the European Investment Bank contributes to the achievement of Cohesion Policy objectives. The study finds that the role of the European Investment Bank in Cohesion Policy increased significantly in the …Read More

Global Crisis in the US vs the Eurozone: Banks and monetary policy

Cukierman, Alex, (2016), “Global Crisis in the US vs the Eurozone: Banks and monetary policy”, VoxEu, 16 Απριλίου Although it started in the US, the Global Crisis had non-negligible repercussions in Europe as well due to substantial purchases of subprime securities by European banks and financial institutions. Those problems were subsequently amplified by European sovereign debt crises experienced by countries with weak fiscal institutions. Both the Fed and the ECB reacted …Read More