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The Faux European Recovery and Youth Unemployment

Weeks, J., (2013), “The Faux European Recovery and Youth Unemployment”, Social Europe Journal, 03 December. Suddenly the media is a buzz with the prospect of a recovery in the euro zone.  After four grim years of contracting GDP, unemployment and falling real wages, we read that country after country has turned the corner. Austerity worked and now we can reap the benefits. Before we become too overjoyed, it is worth …Read More

The 2013 Euro Plus Monitor: From Pain to Gain

Schmieding, H. and Schulz, C., (2013), “The 2013 Euro Plus Monitor: From Pain to Gain”, The Lisbon Council, Policy Brief, Volume III, No.1,  December. If the eurozone and its 17 members stay the course, the systemic crisis that has rocked Europe since 2010 could be largely over by mid-2014. That is the principal conclusion of The 2013 Euro Plus Monitor: From Pain to Gain, the premiere competitiveness ranking published each …Read More

Financial crisis, austerity, and health in Europe

Karanikolos, Μ., Mladovsky, P., Cylus, J., Thomson, S., Basu, S., Stuckler, D., Mackenbach, J. and McKee M., (2013), “Financial crisis, austerity, and health in Europe”, The Lancet, 381(9874): 1323-1331. The financial crisis in Europe has posed major threats and opportunities to health. We trace the origins of the economic crisis in Europe and the responses of governments, examine the effect on health systems, and review the effects of previous economic …Read More

Saving the Euro: A Pyrrhic Victory?

Crafts, N., (2013), “Saving the Euro: A Pyrrhic Victory?”, Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy and Clatham House, The CAGE-Chatham House Series, No. 11, November. Σημεία Περίληψης The survival of the euro has entailed a lengthy recession and has left an ominous legacy of public debt, but the fundamental flaws in its original design have not been corrected. In the 1930s the collapse of the Gold Standard was an integral …Read More

The New European Framework for Managing Bank Crises

Micossi, S., Bruzzone, G. and Carmassi, J., (2013), “The New European Framework for Managing Bank Crises”, The Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Policy Brief No.304, 21 Νοεμβρίου. This Policy Brief describes and discusses the proposals for a European Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) for banks and for a Directive on Bank Recovery and Resolution (BRR). The authors find that the proposals are generally well designed and present a consistent approach, …Read More

Europe’s real inflation problem

Pisani-Ferry, J., (2013), “Europe’s real inflation problem”, Project Syndicate, 30 Νοεμβρίου. “Having said that deflation in the United States is highly unlikely,” outgoing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke famously remarked in 2002, “I would be imprudent to rule out the possibility altogether.” At that time, annual inflation in the US exceeded 2%, and the risk of it becoming negative was indeed remote; but Bernanke nonetheless felt it necessary to map …Read More

Paths to full employment

Bernstein, J., (2013), “Paths to full employment”, The New York Times, Economix Blog, 02 Δεκεμβρίου. Economists like me, who stress the importance of full employment, have a bad habit. We go on and on about the problem of slack labor markets – their negative impact on the living standards of middle- and lower-income families, their persistence in recent decades – and then we stop without saying what might be done …Read More

Why Germany’s trade surplus is bad for the eurozone

Springford, J. and Tilford, S., (2013), “Why Germany’s trade surplus is bad for the eurozone”, Centre for European Reform Bulletin, Issue 93, December 2013/ January 2014. In late October, the US singled out Germany as a threat to the global economy. The Treasury issued a report saying that Germany’s current account surplus – now around 7 per cent of GDP – imposes “a deflationary bias for the eurozone as well …Read More

Financial Stability Review – November 2013

ECB, (2013), Financial Stability Review – November 2013, Frankfurt: ECB. Stress indicators and euro area fundamentals suggest alleviation of financial market tensions, especially on the banks’ funding side. However, financial stability conditions remain fragile and euro area adjustment process is incomplete. Euro area financial stress has remained moderate over the last half year despite bouts of considerable global financial market turbulence, according to the new Financial Stability Review of the …Read More

Europe rightly pursues the road to a single resolution mechanism

Wolf, G., (2013), “Europe rightly pursues the road to a single resolution mechanism”, Bruegel, 27 Νοεμβρίου. European leaders continue to negotiate the most desirable structure of a single resolution mechanism. Making significant progress on that front is of central importance, as we have argued in a recent piece to the informal ECOFIN. The single most important reason why it is important relates to the reshaping of Europe’s financial system. Since …Read More