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Working time developments in the 21st century: Work duration and its regulation in the EU

Cabrita, Jorge, Boehmer, Simon, Galli da Bino, Camilla, (2016), “Working time developments in the 21st century: Work duration and its regulation in the EU”, Eurofound, Publications Office of the European Union, 1 Μαρτίου. This report examines the main trends and milestones characterising the evolution of the most important aspects of collectively agreed working time in the European Union during the first decade of the 21st century. Drawing primarily on information collected by Eurofound across all …Read More

A comparison of nominal and indexed debt under fiscal constraints

Beetsma, Roel, Westerhout, Ed, (2016), “A comparison of nominal and indexed debt under fiscal constraints“, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Φεβρουάριος. This paper makes a welfare comparison between the issuance of price-indexed and nominal public debt in the presence of fiscal constraints, viz. a debt constraint, a deficit constraint and a combination of both. Distortionary taxes or public consumption are regulated to avoid the violation of the relevant fiscal constraint(s). Under a debt …Read More

Euro area annual inflation down to -0.2%

Eurostat/Euro area annual inflation down to -0.2%/40/2016 – 29 February 2016 Euro area annual inflation is expected to be -0.2% in February 2016, down from 0.3% in January, according to a flash estimate from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Looking at the main components of euro area inflation, services is expected to have the highest annual rate in February (1.0%, compared with 1.2% in January), followed by food, alcohol & …Read More

Social Investment and State Capacity

Beblavý, Miroslav, Hájková, Alžbeta, (2016), “Social Investment and State Capacity“, Ceps Publications, 29 Φεβρουαρίου This paper looks at the difference between the levels and nature of social policy expenditure in northern and northwest European countries and the countries of southern, central, and eastern Europe, and examines the relationship between social investment and state capacity in these country groupings. The authors show that southern and eastern countries have a much greater preference …Read More

Global imbalance risk and exchange rates

Della Corte, Pasquale, Riddiough, Steven, Sarno, Lucio, (2016), “Global imbalance risk and exchange rates“, Voxeu, 29 Φεβρουαρίου Currency markets are an important source of risk premia. Understanding why some currencies offer high returns and whether these returns provide adequate compensation for any additional risk they carry is of critical importance to all international investors. But which currencies offer high returns? Traditionally, the answer was easy – ‘high interest rate currencies’. For decades, an …Read More

Getting the most from public R&D spending in times of budgetary austerity

Veugelers, Reinhilde, (2016), “Getting the most from public R&D spending in times of budgetary austerity”, Bruegel, 24 Φεβρουαρίου This working paper reviews the evidence on the impact of public R&D spending. The authors first look at the evidence from micro analysis of the impact of public intervention on private R&D and innovation, with a focus on the latest results from crosscountry micro-research performed within SIMPATIC. To analyse the impact of public R&D on growth, the micro-results on private R&D investment …Read More

Why The European Periphery Needs A Post-Euro Strategy

Fazi, Thomas, (2016), “Why The European Periphery Needs A Post-Euro Strategy“, Social Europe, 25 Φεβρουαρίου In recent weeks, Germany has put forward two proposals for the ‘future viability’ of the EMU that, if approved, would radically alter the nature of the currency union. For the worse. The first proposal, already at the centre of high-level intergovernmental discussions, comes from the German Council of Economic Experts, the country’s most influential economic advisory …Read More

Europe’s refugee surge: Economic and policy implications

Aiyar, Shekhar,  Berger, Helge, Detragiache, Enrica,  Spilimbergo, Antonio, (2016), “Europe’s refugee surge: Economic and policy implications“, Voxeu, 29 Φεβρουαρίου The unprecedented inflow of refugees to Europe and their uneven distribution calls for coordinated policy actions. This column discusses the economic challenges of the refugee influx. The fiscal and growth impacts largely depend on the speed and success of labour market integration. It is important therefore to implement a range of policies that …Read More

What’s so special about specialization in the euro area?

Mongelli, Francesco Paolo, Reinhold, Elisa, Papadopoulos, Georgios, (2016), “What’s so special about specialization in the euro area? – Early evidence of changing economic structures”, European Central Bank, Occasional Paper Series, No 168, Φεβρουάριος. Euro area countries exhibited modest convergence prior to the financial crisis and diverged thereafter. Such divergence has been examined from many angles, and various narratives of the crisis have developed. Surprisingly, the gradual transformation of the economic structures of euro area countries over …Read More

Cross-Border Banking and Business Cycles in Asymmetric Currency Unions

Dräger, Lena, Proaño, Christian R., (2016), “Cross-Border Banking and Business Cycles in Asymmetric Currency Unions”, IMK Working Paper, Nr. 161, Ιανουάριος. Against the background of the emergence of macroeconomic imbalances within the European Monetary Union (EMU), we investigate in this paper the macroeconomic consequences of cross-border banking in monetary unions such as the euro area. For this purpose, we incorporate in an otherwise standard two-region monetary union DSGE model a global banking sector …Read More