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Europe’s Elusive Growth Consensus

Pisani-Ferry, J., (2013), “Europe’s Elusive Growth Consensus”, Project Syndicate, 31 Οκτωβρίου. In most European countries, GDP per capita is currently lower than it was six years ago. In some cases, like Greece, Italy, and Ireland, it is more than 10% lower. Even in Germany, where it is higher, average growth over the last six years has been anemic. It is hard to overestimate the adverse consequences of this state of …Read More

Fawlty Europe

Charlemagne, (2013), “Fawlty Europe”, The Economist, 01 Νοέμβριος. “DON’T mention the war” is the catchphrase from one of the best-loved scenes in “Fawlty Towers”, a British television comedy series. John Cleese plays the eccentric owner of a small-town hotel who causes uproar by incessantly and rudely talking about the war to his German guests. These days in Brussels the equivalent catchphrase about Germans has been “Don’t mention the surplus”. It …Read More

Statistics Show Bailout Countries’ Slide Away from EU Targets

Stevis, M., (2013), “Statistics Show Bailout Countries’ Slide Away from EU Targets”, The Wall Street Journal, 29 Οκτωβρίου. Euro-zone countries in bailout programs have slipped away from the European Union’s targets for economic and social performance, a number of detailed statistical indicators show. The backtracking was made evident Tuesday when Eurostat, the EU statistics agency, presented aggregated data on a set of goals that form Europe’s 2020 Strategy. The program …Read More

Blogs review: The comparative performance of fixed and flexible ER regimes

Cohen-Setton, J., (2013), “Blogs review: The comparative performance of fixed and flexible ER regimes”, Bruegel, 29 Οκτωβρίου. Andrew Rose recently published a provoking paper, which shows that the choice of the exchange rate regime has had little influence on economic outcomes in the Great Recession. While the empirical analysis of the paper excludes EMU countries, this result has challenged the consensus that life outside the euro would have been easier …Read More

Crisis knocking EU 2020 goals off track

Mahony, H., (2013), “Crisis knocking EU 2020 goals off track”, EUObserver, 29 Οκτωβρίου. The economic crisis has knocked the EU’s longterm strategic targets off track with planned poverty-reduction and employment goals unlikely to be met by 2020. “Without adequate policy measures to rapidly reverse this escalating poverty trend, the EU risks moving away from the Europe 2020 headline target on poverty,” said a Eurostat report, published Tuesday (29 October) on …Read More

Despite signs of recovery, the Eurozone crisis is still far from over

Hancké, Β., (2013), “Despite signs of recovery, the Eurozone crisis is still far from over”, European Politics and Policy Blog, 30 Οκτωβρίου. The Eurozone emerged from recession in the second quarter of 2013, with the single currency area’s GDP increasing by 0.3 per cent. Bob Hancké writes that although the situation in the Eurozone has improved, a closer look at the economic data would suggest reason for caution. He argues …Read More

A fiscal perspective on EU sovereign credit ratings

Wickens, M. and Polito, V., (2013), “A fiscal perspective on EU sovereign credit ratings: Did the credit-rating agencies get them right?”, VoxEU, 30 Οκτωβρίου. A good credit rating has become a key fiscal objective, even if it requires austerity when unemployment is high. Recent experience has raised doubts about the sovereign ratings provided by the credit-rating agencies. This column suggests a new way to measure credit ratings based on a …Read More

The ‘Official’ Cost Of Austerity

Wren-Lewis, S., (2013), “The ‘Official’ Cost Of Austerity”, Social Europe Journal, 29 Οκτωβρίου. Well, not quite, but probably as close as we will ever get. In a new paper, Jan in‘t Veld uses the European Commission’s QUEST model to estimate the impact of fiscal consolidation in the Eurozone (EZ) from 2011 to 2013. The numbers in the table below include spillover effects from other EZ country fiscal consolidations, so they …Read More

Forward Guidance: Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market Participants

Den Haan, W. ed., (2013), Forward Guidance: Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market Participants – A eBook, London: Centre for Economic Policy Research. Forward guidance is the provision of information by central banks about the future conduct of monetary policy and in particular about the central bank’s policy interest rate. Forward guidance is aimed at influencing the public’s expectations. This goal is not new. It has long been …Read More

Optimism about an end to the euro crisis is wrong

Münchau, W., (2013), “Optimism about an end to the euro crisis is wrong”, The Financial Times, 27 Οκτωβρίου. Adjustment is the key to ending the eurozone crisis. The optimists are saying that this process of regaining competitiveness is now taking place. Look at the success of the Spanish export sector or the fall in Greek wages. And, in any case, the eurozone economy is rebounding, which helps further. This judgment …Read More