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Greece budget update – September

Merler, Sylvia, (2015), “Greece budget update – September”, Bruegel publications, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου Last week, while Europe was looking with growing anticipation at the elections which took place in Greece this weekend, the Greek finance ministry published last week the latest budget execution bulletin, which covers the period January-August 2015. It shows an unchanged primary surplus, still underperforming revenues and what might be the first small step towards the normalization of …Read More

Growing Out of Inequality

Qureshi, Zia, (2015), “Growing Out of Inequality”, Project Syndicate, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου Income inequality has been increasing in most major economies – and in many of them, it has been increasing significantly. This is a cause for growing concern, and rightly so: inequality not only can undermine an economy’s long-term growth prospects; it can restrain growth in the short term by depressing aggregate demand. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Münch, Richard, (2015), ” The Global Division …Read More

The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs

Rizos, Vasileios, Behrens, Arno, Kafyeke, Terri, Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin, Ioannou, Anastasia, (2015), “The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs”, CEPS Working Documents, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου The ‘circular economy’ is gaining momentum as a concept in both academic and policy circles, and circular business models have been linked to significant economic benefits. This paper identifies barriers and enablers to adopting circular economy business practices, and presents key messages for policy-makers. It draws on input from a literature review, on discussions held in …Read More

Fiscal tightening and economic growth – exploring cross-country correlations

Mauro, Paolo, Zilinsky, Jan, (2015), “Fiscal tightening and economic growth – exploring cross-country correlations”, Voxeu, 18 Σεπτεμβρίου The public narrative on austerity is shaped by simple scatter plots purporting to portray the large negative impact of fiscal ‘austerity’ on economic growth. This column argues that, while recognising concerns about causality, economists should systematically explore correlations and multiple regressions, and test their robustness. The results reveal a mixed picture, lending partial support to the …Read More

European Integration in Times of Crisis-Theoretical perspectives

Ioannou, Demosthenes, Leblond, Patrick, Niemann, Arne, (2015), “European Integration in Times of Crisis-Theoretical perspectives”, International Political Economy Series, Routledge publications, 4 Σεπτεμβρίου Few events over the past few decades have given rise to an amount of debate and speculation concerning the state of the European Union (EU) and the future of European integration as the economic and financial crisis that began in 2007. In spite of substantial media, policy-making and …Read More

The global productivity slump: Common and country-specific factors

Eichengreen, Barry, Park, Donghyun, Shin, Kwanho, (2015), “The global productivity slump: Common and country-specific factors”, Voxeu, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου Productivity growth is slowing down around the world. The question is what lies behind this phenomenon and if it can be reversed. This column takes a historic perspective on total factor productivity growth slowdowns to suggest that global factors may play a role in the problem. Factors that are negatively associated with TFP slumps include educational attainment, …Read More

The Economic Impact of Rescue and Recovery Frameworks in the EU

Carcea Carpus, Mihaela, Ciriaci, Daria, Lorenzani, Dimitri, Pontuch, Peter, Cuerpo, Carlos, (2015), “The Economic Impact of Rescue and Recovery Frameworks in the EU”, Discussion Paper 004, European Commission publications, 4 Σεπτεμβρίου This paper provides empirical support to the important role of efficient pre-insolvency frameworks in fostering a culture of early restructuring and second chances in EU Member States and the positive impact that this has on entrepreneurship, as well as the timeliness …Read More

Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity, and Crisis-Europe’s Treasure Ireland

Murphy, Enda, Mercille, Julien, (2015), “Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity, and Crisis-Europe’s Treasure Ireland”, International Political Economy Series, Palgrave-Macmillan publications, Ιούλιος This is a book about power. It demonstrates how political and economic elites have used the 2008 crisis as an opportunity to deepen and extend neoliberal ideas and practices. From bank bailouts to austerity, Europe’s and Ireland’s response to the economic crisis has been engineered specifically to shift the burden of paying for a …Read More

Building a Better Union : Incentivizing Structural Reforms in the Euro Area

Banerji, Angana, Barkbu, Bergljot, John, James, Kinda, Tidiane, Saksonovs, Sergejs, Schoelermann, Hanni, Wu, Tao, (2015), “Building a Better Union : Incentivizing Structural Reforms in the Euro Area”, IMF publications-Working Papers, 11 Σεπτεμβρίου The momentum for structural reforms is waning in the euro area at a time when even faster progress is needed to boost productivity and growth, achieve real economic convergence, and improve the resilience of the monetary union. What can the European Union (EU) institutions do to bridge this divide? This paper …Read More

The Global Division of Labour-Development and Inequality in World Society

Münch, Richard, (2015), ” The Global Division of Labour-Development and Inequality in World Society”, International Political Economy Series, Palgrave-Macmillan publications, Νοέμβριος Global free trade is one of the most controversial phenomena of our time. Supporters of economic liberalism believe that it will provide affluence for all regions of the globe; its critics view it as the driving force of increasing inequality, societal disorganization and ecological damage. Richard Münch offers a new theory …Read More