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Varieties of Capitalism and the Euro Crisis

Hall, P. (2014), “Varieties of Capitalism and the Euro Crisis”, West European Politics, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1223-1243. This article examines the role played by varieties of capitalism in the euro crisis, considering the origins of the crisis, its progression, and the response to it. Deficiencies in the institutional arrangements governing the single currency are linked to economic doctrines of the 1990s. The roots of the crisis are linked …Read More

Deficits, Democracy and Demographics: Europe’s Three Crises

Hansen, R. & Gordon, J. C., (2014), “Deficits, Democracy and Demographics: Europe’s Three Crises”, West European Politics, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1199-1222. This article argues that the EU and, above all, the eurozone are facing not one crisis – an economic and fiscal one – but three: an economic crisis, a crisis of institutions, and a crisis of demography. These crises are not simultaneous; they are overlapping and self-reinforcing, …Read More

Europe’s Pointless Deficit Targets?

Marzinotto, B., (2015), “Europe’s Pointless Deficit Targets?”, Project Syndicate, 3 Ιουνίου. The fiscal rules of the European Union have undergone some much-needed improvements in recent years, but much more needs to be done. In addition to suffering from a lack of clarity on key issues, EU fiscal policy remains overly focused on short-term goals, reflected in its needless emphasis on nominal deficit targets within annual budget cycles. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις: Daniele, …Read More

From ‘Tiger’ to ‘PIIGS’: Ireland and the use of heuristics in comparative political economy

Brazys, S. & Hardiman, N., (2015), “From ‘Tiger’ to ‘PIIGS’: Ireland and the use of heuristics in comparative political economy”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.54, Issue 1, pp. 23-42. This article analyses the consequences of the narrative construction of the group of countries that has been grouped as ‘PIIGS’ (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) for their sovereign debt risk rating. Acronyms for groups of countries can provide a …Read More

A historical institutionalist explanation of the EU’s responses to the euro area financial crisis

Verdun, A., (2015), “A historical institutionalist explanation of the EU’s responses to the euro area financial crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 219-237. How can we understand the European Union’s responses to the euro area financial crisis? This contribution examines this question through a historical institutionalist (HI) lens. First it reviews the design of existing institutions. With the help of HI it examines what challenges …Read More

The economic consequences of austerity

Sen, Amartya, (2015), “The economic consequences of austerity”, NewsStatesman, 4 Ιουνίου On 5 June 1919, John Maynard Keynes wrote to the prime minister of Britain, David Lloyd George, “I ought to let you know that on Saturday I am slipping away from this scene of nightmare. I can do no more good here.” Thus ended Keynes’s role as the official representative of the British Treasury at the Paris Peace Conference. It …Read More

Europe’s ordoliberal iron cage: critical political economy, the euro area crisis and its management

Ryner, M., (2015), “Europe’s ordoliberal iron cage: critical political economy, the euro area crisis and its management”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp.275-294. Orthodox integration scholarship failed to identify the factors leading to the euro area (EA) economic and financial crisis because of weaknesses that Horkheimer identified in ‘traditional’ theory: disciplinary splits and a tendency to idealize from particular instrumental perspectives. By contrast, critical political economy …Read More

Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis

Schimmelfennig, F., (2015), “Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 177-195. Liberal intergovernmentalism explains the politics to cope with the euro area crisis by the constellation of national preferences and bargaining power and by institutional choices designed to commit euro area countries credibly to the currency union. National preferences resulted from high negative interdependence in the euro area and the …Read More

What have we learned from the crises of the last 20 years?

Fischer, Stanley, (2015), “What have we learned from the crises of the last 20 years?”,, Ομιλία στο Διεθνές Νομισματικό Συνέδριο του Τορόντο, 1 Ιουνίου There have been many economic and financial crises since the Mexican crisis that began in December 1994. Michel Camdessus, then Managing Director of the IMF, called the Mexican crisis “the first economic crisis of the twenty first century”–by which he meant that it was the …Read More

Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis

Daniele, G. & Geys, B., (2015), “Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.22, Issue 5, pp. 650-670. The current economic crisis has triggered fierce debates among policy-makers and the media across and within European countries about the need for a closer European fiscal union. Using a novel dataset derived from the Eurobarometer surveys, this article investigates European citizens‘ opinions towards such fiscal …Read More