Dheret, Claire, (2013), “Youth unemployment-Does the EU care about it’s future?” , European Policy Centre Publications, Policy Brief, April 2013.
Youth unemployment levels in Europe are hitting new highs: more than 5.7 million (23.6%) young people in the European Union (EU) were without a job in January 2013. These figures, and more generally the growing number of NEETs (young people not in employment, education or training), pose a serious challenge to our societies, not only in terms of the immediate economic impact but also in political and social terms. In this Policy Brief, Claire Dhéret argues that the pan-European nature of the challenge calls for urgent action at EU level. To this end, she stresses that despite a steady process of Europeanisation of youth-related policies, gettng serious about addressing youth unemployment and inactivity in Europe will require the simulatenous activation of three strategic plans. These plans include making optimal use of already-existing instruments, developing a comprehensive strategy including aspects of employability and social protection, and being more ambitious with regard to future European investment in young people.