Gros, D. & Alcidi, C. (2014) “The Global Economy in 2030: Trends and Strategies for Europe“, Economic Policy, CEPS Paperbacks, 02 April.
This groundbreaking study concentrates on a set of critical economic factors that will shape future economic growth at the global level and offers a description of the possible evolution of their reach and scope. Our goal in pursuing this research is not to make precise predictions about growth rates or the size of individual economies, but to provide a guide for EU policy-makers by presenting an assessment of the possible implications of such trends for the global economy and the policy challenges they raise for Europe.
In an attempt to respond to this need, this study concentrates on a set of critical economic factors that will shape future economic growth at the global level and offers a description of the possible evolution of their reach and scope, which often go beyond the purely economic dimension. Our ultimate goal is to provide a guide for policy-makers by presenting an assessment of the possible implications of such trends for the global economy and the policy challenges they raise for Europe.
Daniel Gros is Director of CEPS and Cinzia Alcidi is LUISS Fellow at CEPS. Other contributors included Arno Behrens (CEPS), Steven Blockmans (CEPS), Matthias Busse (CEPS), Christian Egenhofer (CEPS), Lionel Fontagné (CIREM), Arnaud Fougeyrollas ‘SEURECO), Gilles Koleda (SEURECO), Ilaria Maselli (CEPS), Maria Priscila Ramos, (CIREM), Carlo Sessa (ISIS) and Paul Zagamé (SEURECO).
Σχετικές αναρτήσεις:
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