Batsaikhan, Uuriintuya, (2016), “The day after Brexit: what do we know?”, Bruegel, 22 June
Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union (December 2009) sets out the procedural requirements for a member state to terminate its membership. Legal withdrawal would mean that EU Treaties and their Protocols would no longer apply, and EU financial programmes would be phased out. If the UK votes to leave the EU on Thursday, the result will not immediately have a binding legal effect. The UK government would need to launch a proposal to activate Article 50, and hold a vote in Parliament. Once this vote had passed, the UK could then formally notify the EU of its intention to withdraw.
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- Vivien Schmidt, (2016), “Missing Topic In #EUref: Neo-Liberalism Gone Too Far”, Social Europe, 22 June
- Featherstone, Kevin, (2016), “What those calling for Brexit could learn from the Greek bailout referendum”, LSE Europpblog, 6 June