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New ICMB/CEPR Report: Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe

Philippon, Thomas, Salord, Aude, (2017), “New ICMB/CEPR Report: Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe”, Vox Eu, 22 March

Nine years since the Global Crisis of 2008 and two and a half years after the launch the banking union in November 2014, some European countries are still struggling with significant banking problems. The total amount of non-performing loans (NPLs) in the EU is around €1 trillion and its allocation is far from equal. The rates of non-performance range from less than 5% in strong countries to 16% in Italy, 20% in Portugal, and 45% in Greece and Cyprus (EBA 2016). More than a third of EU countries have NPL ratios above 10%. These non-performing legacy assets present a challenge for the newly created banking union.

This column introduces the 4th Special Report in the Geneva Reports on the World Economy series.

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