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Sectoral concentration and bank performance: New measures and new evidence

Beck, Thorsten, De Jonghe, Olivier, Mulier, Klaas, (2017), “Sectoral concentration and bank performance: New measures and new evidence”, Vox Eu, 9 May

Concentration of bank assets is one of the most important factors contributing to systemic banking risk. According to a 2004 Basel Committee study, credit concentration in banks caused nine of the 13 major banking crises around the world in the 20th century (Westernhagen et al. 2004). Bank asset concentration also contributed significantly to the two major banking crises of the 21st century so far – the simultaneous overexposure of several banks to the US mortgage market that created the Global Crisis 2007–08 (Brunnermeier 2009), and exposure to the sovereign debt of distressed European countries that severely deepened the European crisis of 2011–12 (Acharya et al. 2015).

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