Huttl, Pia, Leandro, Alvaro, (2015), “How will refugees affect European economies?”, Bruegel publications, 19 October What’s at stake: The continuing wave of refugees arriving at the borders of the European Union has sparked discussions all around Europe on how to deal with it, and what the impact will be on the European economies. We review the blog discussions on the economic impact of the refugees, and the challenges that they …Read More
Social Policy in the European Union
Anderson, Karen, (2015), “Social Policy in the European Union”, Palgrave-Macmillan publications, March Social policy has become an increasingly prominent component of the European Union’s policy-making responsibilities. Today, for example, a highly developed body of law regulates equal treatment in social security and co-ordinates national security schemes; national health services have opened up to patients and service providers from other states; and rules govern the translation of educational and vocational certificates …Read More
Labour versus leisure preferences and employment in Europe
Moriconi, Simone, Peri, Giovanni, (2015), “Labour versus leisure preferences and employment in Europe”, Voxeu, 19 October Unemployment rates vary widely across EU countries. While national institutions and policies explain much of the variation, cultural values, attitudes, and beliefs may also play a role. This column uses survey data from 26 EU countries to investigate the existence of culturally transmitted preferences for work. Country-specific preferences for work are found to have a positive …Read More
Reviving The EU Social Dimension: A Political Choice
Schellinger, Alexander, (2015), “Reviving The EU Social Dimension: A Political Choice”, Social Europe Journal , 15 October The social dimension of the EU is on the verge of becoming insignificant. At practically all levels there has been a systematic weakening of Social Europe: aims, programmes and instruments have been reduced in the areas of employment policy, labour law and labour relations. The Community is rolling back previous achievements. Workers and trade unions …Read More
Euro Deflation And How To Interpret It
Weeks, John, (2015). “Euro Deflation And How To Interpret It”, Social Europe Journal, 12 October If you read Larry Summers in the Financial Times, you know that recent data confirm falling prices in the euro zone. Summers argues that the deflation indicates global stagnation, though we find disagreement on the appropriate interpretation. For some it is no more than the transitory effect of falling petroleum prices. Relevant Posts Muellbauer, J. …Read More
The Crisis Europe Needs
Eichengreen, Barry, (2015), “The Crisis Europe Needs”, Social Europe Journal, 15 October It’s hard to be optimistic about Europe. Last summer, a political cage match between Germany and Greece threatened to tear the European Union apart. In country after country, extremist political parties are gaining ground. And Russian President Vladimir Putin’s incursion into Ukraine, in the EU’s backyard, has turned the common European foreign and security policy into a punch …Read More
Labour Mobility and Labour Market Adjustment in the EU
Arpaia, Alfonso, Kiss, Aron, Palvolgyi, Balazs,Turrini, Alessandro, (2015), “Labour Mobility and Labour Market Adjustment in the EU”, Institute for Study of Labour (IZA), Αugust This paper assesses macroeconomic determinants of labour mobility and its role in the adjustment to asymmetric shocks. First, the paper develops stylised facts of mobility at the national and sub-national levels in the EU. Then, it explores the macroeconomic determinants of bilateral migration flows. Econometric evidence …Read More
Weak States, Poor Countries
Deaton, Angus, (2015), “Weak States, Poor Countries”, Social Europe Journal, 13 October In Scotland, I was brought up to think of policemen as allies and to ask one for help when I needed it. Imagine my surprise when, as a 19-year-old on my first visit to the United States, I was met by a stream of obscenities from a New York City cop who was directing traffic in Times Square …Read More
A Dynamic Model of Weak and Strong Ties in the Labor Market
Zenou, Yves, (2015), “A Dynamic Model of Weak and Strong Ties in the Labor Market”, Journal of Labor Economics, Issue 4, Volume 33, October The study develops a simple model where workers can obtain a job through either their strong or weak ties. It shows that increasing the time spent with weak ties raises the employment rate of workers. It also shows that when the job-destruction rate or the job-information …Read More
Dealing with Losers-The Political Economy of Policy Transitions
Trebilcock, Michael, (2015), “Dealing with Losers-The Political Economy of Policy Transitions”, Politics Series, Oxford University Press, 8 October Whenever governments change policies—tax, expenditure, or regulatory policies, among others—there will typically be losers: people or groups who relied upon and invested in physical, financial, or human capital predicated on, or even deliberately induced by the pre-reform set of policies. The issue of whether and when to mitigate the costs associated with …Read More