Sander, Harald, (2017), “Finally, some good economic news from the Eurozone – but will it last?”, LSE EUROPP, 10 April 2017 Eurostat figures released at the start of April show the Eurozone unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest level for almost eight years. Harald Sander writes that there are now some solid grounds for optimism about the Eurozone economy, but that after nine years of economic struggles, a great deal …Read More
Right Wing Populism And The Social Question
Kowal, Nikolaus, Lindner, Fabian , (2017), “Right Wing Populism And The Social Question”, Social Europe, 11 April Right-wing populism is gaining traction: Donald Trump has won the White House; Austrian far right politician Norbert Hofer barely lost the Austrian presidential election, and France’s Marine Le Pen is likely to win most of the votes in the first round of the French presidential elections. Has the world gone mad? Have racism and …Read More
Geneva Reports on the World Economy 15: Exit Strategy (CEPR flashback 2)The E
The Editors, (2017), “Geneva Reports on the World Economy 15: Exit Strategy (CEPR flashback 2)”, VoxEu, 8 April Central banks are now moving towards exiting from quantitative easing and other unconventional monetary policies. This column highlights a 2013 CEPR/ICMB report that examined the policy challenges surrounding this difficult and unprecedented task. It explores ways policymakers could handle exit and its long-run implications. This is part of the CEPR Flashbacks series that …Read More
Share of Member States in EU GDP
Eurostat/Share of Member States in EU GDP/10 April 2017 In 2016, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the European Union (EU) amounted to €14 800 billion (bn) at current prices. Over half of it was generated by three Member States: Germany, the United Kingdom and France. Relavant Posts Eurostat/ GDP up by 0.4% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU28/ 7 March 2017 European Commission, (2017), “European Economic …Read More
The European Art of the Deal
Harold, James, (2017), “The European Art of the Deal“, Project Syndicate, 5 April It has been almost a decade since the 2008 financial crisis, and the confrontational politics that emerged in its aftermath remain ubiquitous in the West. But, despite similarities between the United States and the European Union, differences in how they address social, economic, and fiscal issues have recently been thrown into sharp relief. Relevant Posts Barber, Tony, (2017), …Read More
Monetary policy and the economic recovery in the euro area
Draghi, Mario, (2017), “Monetary policy and the economic recovery in the euro area”, European Central Bank (ECB), 6 April Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, at The ECB and Its Watchers XVIII Conference, Frankfurt am Main Relevant Posts European Central Bank/ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area, March 2017 European Commission, (2017), “European Economic Forecast – Winter 2017”, European Commission Institutional Paper 048, January
Drivers of employment generation and social inclusion in the EU
Di Cataldo, Marco, Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés, (2017), “Drivers of employment generation and social inclusion in the EU”, Vox Eu, 6 April The EU is undertaking an effort to counterbalance the effect of the Global Crisis on unemployment by trying to get people back into work. The Juncker Commission has set up a plan of investments – estimated at €315 billion for the period 2015-2017 – aimed at supporting the areas of Europe …Read More
Europe’s Other Populist Problem
Åslund, Anders, (2017), “Europe’s Other Populist Problem”, Project Syndicate, 5 April European voters, looking at Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency in the United States and the hard road ahead for a post-Brexit Britain, may be turning away from right-wing populists such as Marine Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. But if European governments are to keep their own populists at bay, they will need to implement the substantial …Read More
Brexit Creates Window Of Opportunities For The EU
De Grauwe, Paul, (2017), “Brexit Creates Window Of Opportunities For The EU”, Social Europe, 5 April The British government has officially started the “divorce” procedure from the European Union. This procedure must be completed within two years. In April 2019 the UK will cease to be a member of the EU. Most divorces are painful affairs mainly because an agreement has to be found on who pays whom. The same will …Read More
Eurozone unemployment falls to its lowest rate in 8 years
Khan Mehreen, (2017), “Eurozone unemployment falls to its lowest rate in 8 years”, Financial Times, 3 April More than 1m people have been lifted out of unemployment in the eurozone during the past year, pushing the jobless rate to the lowest in almost eight years and underscoring how the economic recovery is gathering pace across the bloc. Factories in the eurozone also enjoyed another bumper month, reporting their highest levels of …Read More