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Toward A Fiscal Union for the Euro Area

Allard, C., Brooks, P.K., Bluedorn, J.C., Bornhorst, F., Ohnsorge, F. and Christopherson Puh, K.M., (2013), “Toward A Fiscal Union for the Euro Area”, IMF Staff Discussion Note, SDN/13/09, September. The crisis has exposed a critical gap in EMU: the capacity for country-level shocks, whether exogenous or home-grown, to spread across the euro area, calling into question the viability of the common currency. This paper explores the role that deeper fiscal …Read More

The Euro Area Crisis: Need for a Supranational Fiscal Risk Sharing Mechanism?

Furceri, D. and Zdzienicka, A., (2013), “The Euro Area Crisis: Need for a Supranational Fiscal Risk Sharing Mechanism?”, IMF Working Papers Series, WP/13/198, September. The aim of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of risk sharing mechanisms in the euro area and whether a supranational fiscal risk sharing mechanism could insure countries against very severe downturns. Using an unbalanced panel of 15 euro area countries over the period 1979-2010, …Read More

Member States’ Competitiveness Performance and Implementation of EU Industrial Policy Report 2013

European Commission, (2013), “Member States’ Competitiveness Performance and Implementation of EU Industrial Policy report 2013”, European Commission, 25 September. Progress has been made by Member States to improve the competitiveness of their economies, but many challenges still remain. An updated Industrial performance scoreboard assesses Member States’ industrial performance in five key areas, namely innovation and sustainability; business environment, services and infrastructure; public administration; finance and investment; and skills. The areas …Read More

Do European fines deter price fixing?

Mariniello, M., (2013), “Do European fines deter price fixing?”, VoxEU, 22 September. Cartel fines imposed by the European Commission routinely reach hundreds of millions of euro, having increased since the new 2006 fining policy. This column argues that they are still below their optimal level and come too slowly. Fines were often lower than the additional cartel profits and imposed 10 to 20 years after making the law-breaking decision was …Read More

Blogs review: Battle of narratives over the European recovery

Cohen-Setton, J., (2013), “Blogs review: Battle of narratives over the European recovery”, Bruegel, 24 September. Many European leaders have started to claim credit for the recent improvement in economic conditions in the Eurozone. The boldest example was certainly the op-ed written last week by Wolfgang Schauble where Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance used the good news to claim vindication over the skeptics of the European approach to the EMU crisis. …Read More

Looking at Europe’s Jobs Challenge: ‘A Way Out Does Exist!’

De Molli, V., (2013), “Looking at Europe’s Jobs Challenge: ‘A Way Out Does Exist!’”, EconoMonitor, 24 September. We are in the midst of an extremely delicate and fragile historical nexus. The crisis is worse than ever and is hitting above all those companies that are less-prepared and the weaker strata of society. Young people find themselves in ever-greater difficulty (one out of three in Italy and one out of two …Read More

Reshaping Europe’s financial system

Sapir, A. and Wolf, G., (2013), “Reshaping Europe’s financial system”, Bruegel, 23 September. With the upcoming Asset Quality Review (AQR) by the European Central Bank, Europe has a chance to fundamentally reshape its financial system to make it both more stable and more efficient. This will require bold action not only to clean up bank balance sheets but also to set a genuine single market for financial services. Prior to …Read More

Europe’s Japan?

Fubini, F., (2013), “Europe’s Japan?”, Project Syndicate, 20 September. Since the global economic crisis began in 2008, Italy’s GDP has declined by about 8%, nearly a million workers have lost their jobs, and real wages have come under increasing pressure. In southern Italy today, a young person – especially a woman – on a permanent work contract, being paid on time and in full, is a statistical oddity. And yet, …Read More

The Pain In Spain Is Not Hard To Explain

Krugman, P., (2013), “The Pain In Spain Is Not Hard To Explain”, The New York Times, The Opinion Pages, 22 September. Via Philip Lane, the WSJ reports that the European Commission is reconsidering its methods for estimating potential output for Spain and other countries. And high time too.   Relevant Posts Hugh, E., (2013), “Spain – The Recession May Be Ending But The Crisis Continues”,, 9 September. Darvas, Z., (2013), …Read More

Boom, Bust, Recovery: Forensics of the Latvia Crisis

Blanchard, O., Griffiths, M. and Gruss, B., (2013), “Boom, Bust, Recovery: Forensics of the Latvia Crisis”, Final Conference Draft, Fall 2013 Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, 19-20 September. Latvia is a small country, with a population of only 2 million. Yet, it has been an object of intense attention during the crisis. Against the recommendations of many economists, it decided to maintain its peg and adjust through internal devaluation and …Read More