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An Unemployment-Oriented Investment Strategy for Europe

Escudero, V., Horne, R., Kühn, S., Milasi, S., López Mourelo, E., Pignatti, C. & Silvander, J. (2015) “An Unemployment-Oriented Investment Strategy for Europe“, International Labour Organization (ILO) Research Department, Studies on Growth with Equity, January.   Key Policy Options and Considerations Against a backdrop of sluggish economic conditions and continued weak job creation, the Investment Plan proposed by the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker would provide a rapid economic stimulus …Read More

Bank resolution in Europe: The unfinished agenda of structural reform

Ringe, G. & Gordon, N. J. (2015) “Bank resolution in Europe: The unfinished agenda of structural reform“, VoxEU Organisation, 28 January.   Bank resolution is a key pillar of the European Banking Union. This column argues that the current structure of large EU banks is not conducive to an effective and unbiased resolution procedure. The authors would require systemically important banks to reorganise into a ‘holding company’ structure, where the …Read More

Why Europe Will Cave to Greece

Crook, C. (2015) “Why Europe Will Cave to Greece“, Bloomberg View, 28 January.   A prediction for you: Greece and the European Union will split the difference in their quarrel over debt relief. What’s uncertain is how their respective governments will justify the new deal, and how much damage they’ll inflict on each other before accepting the inevitable. EU governments, with Germany in the lead, are saying that debt writedowns …Read More

Syriza, Le Pen and the Power of Big Ideas

Bershidsky, L. (2015) “Syriza, Le Pen and the Power of Big Ideas“, BloombergView, 26 January.   It may seem ironic that Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s extreme right Front National, rooted for the extreme left Syriza in yesterday’s Greek election and rejoiced at its landslide victory. Yet there’s nothing unusual about it: Syriza, Front National and other European anti-establishment parties are partners in a political revolution that appears to be about to …Read More

Are Recipients of Social Assistance ‘Benefit Dependent’? Concepts, Measurement and Results for Selected Countries

Immervoll, H., Jenkins, P. S. & Königs, S. (2015) “Are Recipients of Social Assistance ‘Benefit Dependent’? Concepts, Measurement and Results for Selected Countries“, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Discussion Paper No. 8786, January 2015.   ABSTRACT Are Recipients of Social Assistance ‘Benefit Dependent’? Concepts, Measurement and Results for Selected Countries Means-tested Social Assistance (SA) benefits play an important role as social protection floors supporting households in financial difficulties. …Read More

Quantitative easing in euro zone requires shared risk

Gros, D. & Kopf, C. (2015) “Quantitative easing in euro zone requires shared risk“, Centre for European Policy Studies: Economic Policy, Researchers’ work published externally, 21 January.   In their column published online by Reuters, Daniel Gros and Christian Kopf offer their assessment of the programme of sovereign bond purchases to be undertaken shortly by the European Central Bank in the euro area. They examine in particular the accounting technique …Read More

Tsipras And Syriza’s Win Reboots European Social Democracy

Gow, D. (2015) “Tsipras And Syriza’s Win Reboots European Social Democracy“, Social Europe Journal, 26 January.   The “vicious circle of austerity is over,” said Alexis Tsipras, Syriza leader and Greece’s likely new premier, after his party won a stunning victory in yesterday’s general election. It would be replaced, he added, by “a politics of hope, solidarity and co-operation.” He and his senior colleagues say this is true for the …Read More

The return of the German question: why conflict between creditor and debtor states is now the defining feature of European politics

Kudnani, H. (2015) “The return of the German question: why conflict between creditor and debtor states is now the defining feature of European politics“, LSE EUROPP, 26 January.   One of the key geopolitical issues in Europe prior to the Second World War was how the power of Germany could be effectively balanced by other European states. Hans Kundnani assesses the relevance of these historical debates to the current situation …Read More

Grexit 2015: A primer

Gros, Daniel, (2015), “Grexit 2015: A primer”, CEPS Commentaries, 23 January. In the run-up to the Greek elections on January 25th and the subsequent renegotiation of the country’s economic adjustment programme with the troika, Daniel Gros writes in this Commentary that “nobody officially wants Grexit”: not Syriza, which wants Greece to stay in the euro. It is ‘only’ asking for a reduction in Greece’s official debt and an end to …Read More

The ECB has fired its bazooka

Wolff, Guntram, Merler, Silvia, (2015), “The ECB has fired its bazooka” , Bruegel, 23 January. The ECB announced today an expansion of its asset purchases, to include securities issued by European agencies and institutions, as well as central government in the euro area. Purchases are intended to be continued until at least September 2016 and in any case until the Governing Council sees a sustained adjustment in the path of …Read More