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Tax harmonisation in Europe: Moving forward

Benassy-Quéré, A. & Wolff, G. (2014) “Tax harmonisation in Europe: Moving forward“, VoxEU Organisation, 22 July.   Tax harmonisation has been controversial since the establishment of the European Economic Community, and corporation tax proposals are currently on the table in the EU. Although tax competition can be beneficial, tax harmonisation could curb tax competition that leads to the under-provision of public goods or to burden-shifting from mobile to immobile tax …Read More

European Social Policy For The Next Five Years

Nahles, A. (2014) “European Social Policy For The Next Five Years“, Social Europe Journal, 21 July.   For generations, Europe was a project of hope. To my parents’ generation, after a time of war and hostility, Europe represented the hope of achieving economic progress together in an atmosphere of peace and friendship. To my generation, Europe symbolised a place of hope and freedom following the Cold War. We criss-crossed fading …Read More

European economy’s invisible transformation: expulsions and predatory capitalism

Sassen, S. (2014) “European economy’s invisible transformation: expulsions and predatory capitalism“, Eurocrisis in the Press, LSE EUROPP, 03 July.   Parts of our economies, societies, and states in Europe are being stripped bare by an extreme form of predatory capitalism. And this stripping can coexist with growth in much of our economies. The majority of workers and economic operations keep functioning, even if at reduced levels. The language of low …Read More

Juncker raises high expectations with ambitious agenda

Lannoo, K. (2014) “Juncker raises high expectations with ambitious agenda“, Politics and Institutions, CEPS Commentaries, 16 July.   Based on his speech to the European Parliament on July 15th, following his election as President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker has clearly opted for ‘more Union’ during his five-year term, offering up an ambitious agenda that raises a host of expectations. In this CEPS Commentary, Karel Lannoo outlines the most …Read More

Book Review: The Europe Dilemma: Britain and the Drama of EU Integration by Roger Liddle

El Sehrawey, A. (2014) “Book Review: The Europe Dilemma: Britain and the Drama of EU Integration by Roger Liddle“, LSE EUROPP, 21 July.   What is Britain’s future in Europe? What future should Britain want for the EU? Roger Liddle‘s book provides valuable commentary on a topic that is highly salient in Britain and could radically change the trajectory of the country on multiple levels, writes Amani El Sehrawey. The …Read More

Corporate governance of banks and financial stability

Laeven, L. & Ratnovski, L. (2014) “Corporate governance of banks and financial stability“, VoxEU Organisation, 21 July.   Bank distress during the recent crisis caused significant damage to the real economy. Appropriately, the policy response focused on stronger bank supervision and regulation. This column asks if there is a role for improvements in bank corporate governance. Based on the literature the authors suggest that better risk management, regulation of pay, …Read More

The use of tax expenditures in times of fiscal consolidation

Bauger, L. (2014) “The use of tax expenditures in times of fiscal consolidation“, European Economy, Economic Papers 523, July.   Against the background of recovering growth and remaining fiscal consolidation needs, reforming tax expenditures may offer a promising avenue to raise revenue and, at the same time, improve efficiency of the tax systems. The workshop, held by DG ECFIN on 23 October 2013, addressed the economic and budgetary aspects of …Read More

The computerisation of European jobs – who will win and who will lose from the impact of new technology onto old areas of employment?

Bowles, J. (2014) “The computerisation of European jobs – who will win and who will lose from the impact of new technology onto old areas of employment?“, Bruegel Institute, 17 July.   Who will win and who will lose from the impact of new technology onto old areas of employment? This is a centuries-old question but new literature, which we apply here to the European case, provides some interesting implications. …Read More

The European Council’s Guidelines for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 2020: Subverting the ‘Lisbonisation’ of Justice and Home Affairs?

Carrera, S. & Guild, E. (2014) “The European Council’s Guidelines for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 2020: Subverting the ‘Lisbonisation’ of Justice and Home Affairs?“, Justice and Home Affairs, CEPS Essays, 14 July.   In its Conclusions of 26-27 June 2014, the European Council has adopted the new “Strategic Guidelines for Legislative and Operational Planning for the coming years within the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice …Read More

Making macroprudential regulation operational

Kashyap, K. A., Tsomocos, D. & Vardoulakis, A. (2014) “Making macroprudential regulation operational“, VoxEU Organisation, 18 July.   Do the extant workhorse models used in policy analysis support macroprudential and macrofinancial policies? This column argues that this is not the case and describes a new macroprudential model that stresses the special role played by banks. The model also accounts for two, often neglected, key principles of the financial systems. Some …Read More