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Can we expect a rise in migration from Eastern Europe?

Jaroszewicz, Μ. (2014) “Can we expect a rise in migration from Eastern Europe?“, EU Observer, 15 July.   Research indicates that the inflow of migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova – even after visa liberalisation – will be modest. The Polish Centre for Eastern Studies, altogether with seven other research institutions from Central and Eastern Europe, has recently concluded research aimed at forecasting possible future migration from eastern Europe to …Read More

The next President of the European Council and High Representative for Foreign Affairs: a final look at the candidates

Worth, J. (2014) “The next President of the European Council and High Representative for Foreign Affairs: a final look at the candidates“, LSE EUROPP, 15 July.   The European Council will meet on 16 July with the aim of deciding who will replace Herman Van Rompuy as President of the European Council and Catherine Ashton as the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs. Jon Worth takes a final look at …Read More

Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2013. Highlights 2013

FRA (2014) “Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2013. Highlights 2013“, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, July.   The EU and its Member States took a variety of important steps in 2013 to protect and promote fundamental rights by assuming new international commitments, revamping legislation and pursuing innovative policies on the ground. Yet, fundamental rights violations seized the spotlight with distressing frequency: would‑be migrants drowning off the …Read More

Has the Great Recession killed the traditional Phillips Curve?

Wren-Lewis, S. (2014) “Has the Great Recession killed the traditional Phillips Curve?“, Mainly Macro Blog, 14 July.   Before the New Classical revolution there was the Friedman/Phelps Phillips Curve (FPPC), which said that current inflation depended on some measure of the output/unemployment gap and the expected value of current inflation (with a unit coefficient). Expectations of inflation were modelled as some function of past inflation (e.g. adaptive expectations) – at …Read More

Mending the Fractured Economy, Smarter State – Better Jobs, Final Report of the Adonis Review

Adonis, A. (2014) “Mending the Fractured Economy, Smarter State – Better Jobs, Final Report of the Adonis Review“, An Independent Review for the Labour Party, supported by Policy Network, July.   The final report of the Adonis Review, Mending the Fractured Economy: Smarter State, Better Jobs, sets out reforms to boost innovation, tackle skills shortages and address youth unemployment, support growth companies, and empower city and county regions. Speaking ahead …Read More

Social developments report 2013: blueprint for a new European social agenda

Natali, D. (2014) “Social developments report 2013: blueprint for a new European social agenda“, European Social Observatory (ESO), European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 03 July.   Given the need to jumpstart growth and tackle Europe’s unemployment and investment crisis, this year’s edition of Social developments in the European Union advocates a complete reorientation of the EU’s socio-economic policies. The fifteenth annual report on the state of social Europe, written by …Read More

Economic policies pursuant to the Global Crisis: A critique

Wood, R. (2014) “Economic policies pursuant to the Global Crisis: A critique“, VoxEU Organisation, 13 July.   The Global Crisis triggered a series of medium-term policy changes. This column reviews the effectiveness of some of these monetary, fiscal policies, and internal devaluation policies. Policymakers anchored their strategic thinking in paradigms that became inapplicable to the new problems. An alternative set of macroeconomic policies is suggested. Interrelated economic problems Current high …Read More

Who calls the shots in the euro area? “Brussels” or the member states?

Fernandes, S. (2014) “Who calls the shots in the euro area? “Brussels” or the member states?“, Policy Paper 111, Jacques Delors Institute, 15 May.   The recent reform of the European economic governance has helped to foster the perception that Europe is impinging on the sphere of national sovereignty. It is certainly true that member states have established a framework of common action at the European level in an effort …Read More

European Wage Depression Since 1999

Janssen, R. (2014) “European Wage Depression Since 1999“, Social Europe Journal, 30 May.   Probably one of the most popular slogans of the entire European Semester is the catchphrase that wages should be aligned with productivity. The reason for its popularity is that this phrase can be used with a lot of flexibility. On the one hand, the Commission can make use of it to discipline wages and undermine national …Read More

Shifting EU Institutional Reform into High Gear: Report of the CEPS High-Level Group

Blockmans, S. & Piedrafita, S. (2014) “Shifting EU Institutional Reform into High Gear: Report of the CEPS High-Level Group“, Politics and Institutions, CEPS Task Force Reports, 19 March.   To contribute to the important debate on EU institutional reform in the run-up to the European Parliament elections and the start of a new Commission, CEPS formed a High-Level Group on EU Institutional Reform under the leadership of Danuta Hübner MEP …Read More