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Five minutes with Eva Aldea: “A ‘Fortress Europe’ accessible only to those within would be as much of a failure of the European project as dissolution of the Union”

Aldea. E. (2014) Five minutes with Eva Aldea: “A ‘Fortress Europe’ accessible only to those within would be as much of a failure of the European project as dissolution of the Union”, LSE EUROPP Interview, 07 July.   Can philosophy offer practical solutions to some of the key issues faced by the European Union? In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, Eva Aldea discusses the role of philosophy in …Read More

Revisiting the pain in Spain

De Grauwe, P. (2014) “Revisiting the pain in Spain“, VoxEU Organisation, 07 July.   There has been a stark contrast between the experiences of Spain and the UK since the Global Crisis. This column argues that although the ECB’s Outright Monetary Transactions policy has been instrumental in reducing Spanish government bond yields, it has not made the Spanish fiscal position sustainable. Although the UK has implemented less austerity than Spain …Read More

Annual Report: Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2013

European Asylum Support Office (2014) Annual Report: Situation of Asylum in the European Union 2013, Publications Office of the European Union, July.   The 2013 Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the number and nature of applications for international protection made in the EU28 and how they were processed by the Member States (MS), in order to indicate …Read More

Industrial relations in central public administration: Recent trends and features – Executive summary

Eurofound (2014) “Industrial relations in central public administration: Recent trends and features – Executive summary“, Publications, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, July.   This report maps current developments in industrial relations systems in the central public administration sector across Europe, covering all EU Member States except Croatia, which joined the EU in mid-2013. The present study is based on data collected through the network contributing …Read More

Managing credit bubbles

Martin, Α. & Venture, J. (2014) “Managing credit bubbles“, VoxEU Organisation, 05 July.   There is a widespread view among macroeconomists that fluctuations in collateral are an important driver of credit booms and busts. This column distinguishes between ‘fundamental’ collateral – backed by expectations of future profits – and ‘bubbly’ collateral – backed by expectations of future credit. Markets are generically unable to provide the optimal amount of bubbly collateral, …Read More

Britain Outside Europe? The Greek View, Athens will only have to lose with Brexit

Tzogopoulos, G. (2014) “Britain Outside Europe? The Greek View, Athens will only have to lose with Brexit“, IP Journal, German Council on Foreign Relations, 25 June.   A country suffering an unprecedented economic, political, and social crisis and struggling to find its way out of the labyrinth this has created naturally seeks to avoid additional trouble at the European level. A potential Brexit might not only put Grexit back on …Read More

84th BIS Annual Report, 2013/2014

Bank for International Settlements (2014) 84th BIS Annual Report, 2013/2014, BIS Publications, 29 June.   A new policy compass is needed to help the global economy step out of the shadow of the Great Financial Crisis. This will involve adjustments to the current policy mix and to policy frameworks with the aim of restoring sustainable and balanced economic growth. The global economy has shown encouraging signs over the past year …Read More

Lessons from history for the European Financial Crisis

Sayek, S. & Taskin, F. (2014) “Lessons from history for the European Financial Crisis“, VoxEU Organisation, 05 July.   The European Monetary Union is unprecedented, but the Eurozone Crisis is not. This column draws upon the experiences of previous banking crises, and compares the Eurozone Crisis countries. Like Japan before the 1992 crisis, Spain and Ireland had property bubbles fuelled by domestic credit. The Greek crisis is very distinct from …Read More

Why We Need More Social Europe

Crouch, C. (2014) “Why We Need More Social Europe“, Social Europe Journal, 04 July.   Globalization makes international collaboration more urgent; but it also makes it less likely to happen. Marketization requires social policy, not only to combat the negative effects of markets, but also to support the market with things it cannot provide for itself; but marketization and social policy are usually seen as opposed projects. For Europeans, confronting …Read More

Which Options for Mr. Renzi to Revive Italy and Save the Euro?

Bossone, B., Cattaneo, M. & Zibordi, G. (2014) “Which Options for Mr. Renzi to Revive Italy and Save the Euro?“, Economonitor – A Rubini Global Economics Project, 03 July.   Since 2008, Italy’s industrial production has shrunk 25 per cent. In the last quarter of 2013, while exports reached back to almost the same level as in 2007, household consumption was down by about 8 per cent and investment by …Read More