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Europe’s Flight from Futility

Vedrine, H., (2013), “Europe’s Flight from Futility”, Project Syndicate, 22 Οctober. In the next 25 years, Europe’s share of the world population and global GDP is expected to fall considerably. Does that mean that a weakened Europe will fall prey to the rising powers of 2040? Given that Europe’s prospects are highly dependent on external factors, any speculation about its future must account for global conditions. One thing seems certain: …Read More

A ‘Poldermodel’ For The EU?

Van Waarden, F., (2013), “A ‘Poldermodel’ For The EU?”, Social Europe Journal, 16 October. National social policy programs across Europe have their roots in three different traditions of origin. There is the (partially British) liberalist regime, where programs are the outcome of supply and demand on markets; there is the (French) étatist tradition, where programs have been produced and are organized by the state; and there is the (Germanic) corporatist …Read More

Europe: an end to fallacy

Duff, A. and Verhofstadt, G., (2013), “Europe: an end to fallacy”, European Politics and Policy Blog, 08 October. The Eurozone crisis has generated a number of structural reforms at the European level. In light of the democratic implications of some of these reforms, Andrew Duff and Guy Verhofstadt propose a new ‘fundamental law’ to replace the EU’s existing treaty framework. This incorporates a federal union in which the European Commission …Read More

Eurozone recovery: The world is not enough

Tilford, S., (2013), “Eurozone recovery: The world is not enough”, Centre for European Reform Blog, 03 October. The end of the eurozone’s long recession has been met with relief by its policy-makers, with some jumping on the news to justify their management of the eurozone crisis. They argue that the eurozone economy is on the mend, and the recovery will gain momentum over the coming quarter. If they are right, …Read More

Europe’s Responsible Solidarity

Letta, E., (2013), “Europe’s Responsible Solidarity”, Project Syndicate, 03 October. Next year will be crucial for the European Union. EU citizens will elect a new European Parliament, which will vote for a new president of the EU Commission. There will be a new president of the European Council and a new high representative for foreign and security policy as well. This change of top EU personnel represents an ideal opportunity …Read More

Germany and the EU: a new cycle?

Delors, J., Vitorino, A. and Bertoncini, Y., (2013), “Germany and the EU: a new cycle?”, EurActiv, 30 September. A new coalition in Germany may revamp its EU policy towards more commitment. The country’s partners will have to get a better grasp of its concerns, but the new constellation can foster further progress in Europe, write Jacques Delors, Antonio Vitorino and Yves Bertoncini. Jacques Delors is founding president, Antonio Vitorino is …Read More

The work of J.S. Mill shows the danger in eliminating the differences between European nations

Glendinning, S., (2013), “The work of J.S. Mill shows the danger in eliminating the differences between European nations”, European Politics and Policy Blog, 30 September. Simon Glendinning writes on the English philosopher John Stuart Mill’s views on Europe. He notes that Mill saw Britain as being very much a part of Europe, but that he also recognised important differences between European nations. Far from seeing these differences as a weakness, …Read More

Until Angela Merkel forms a governing coalition, Greece will continue to be in limbo

Exadaktylos, T., (2013), “Until Angela Merkel forms a governing coalition, Greece will continue to be in limbo”, European Politics and Policy Blog, 27 September. Following last weekend’s German elections, Theofanis Exadaktylos writes on the Greek reaction to Angela Merkel’s victory. He notes that the elections received extensive coverage in the Greek media due to their implications for the country’s economic crisis. Nevertheless, the general perception is that Germany is unlikely …Read More

Is there a path to political union?

Merler, S., (2013), “Is there a path to political union?”, Bruegel, 23 September. Over the last few months and ahead of much anticipated European elections in May 2014, there has been a growing debate about the scope for further integration and leaps towards a form of “political union”. Advocates point to the hard constraints that an incomplete political integration has imposed on the management and the resolution of the euro …Read More

The wisdom of crisis prevention

Şimşek, M., (2013), “The wisdom of crisis prevention”, Project Syndicate, 17 September. Regardless of how differently governments may formulate policy, ensuring financial stability is their common responsibility. This calls for real and effective policy coordination and an overarching macro-prudential governance framework at both the domestic and international levels. The simple truth is that the cost of preventing financial crises is much lower than the costs imposed by them after they …Read More