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Between Debt and the Devil: Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance

Turner, Adair, (2015), “Between Debt and the Devil: Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance”, Princeton University Press, October. Between Debt and the Devil challenges the belief that we need credit growth to fuel economic growth, and that rising debt is okay as long as inflation remains low. In fact, most credit is not needed for economic growth—but it drives real estate booms and busts and leads to financial crisis and …Read More

The Great Financial Plumbing: From Northern Rock to Banking Union

Lannoo, Karel, (2015), “The Great Financial Plumbing: From Northern Rock to Banking Union”, CEPS Paperbacks, 19 October The financial and economic crises have led to an enormous plumbing exercise, involving a fundamental re-design of the global and European regulatory and supervisory system. This book systematically assesses the big items on the G-20 and EU agendas and the effectiveness with which they have been implemented in the EU. Its publication coincides with …Read More

Redefining the Market-State Relationship-Responses to the Financial Crisis and the Future of Regulation

Glinavos, Ioannis, (2013), “Redefining the Market-State Relationship-Responses to the Financial Crisis and the Future of Regulation”, Routledge publications, Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law series, September This book offers an interdisciplinary overview of the role of law in modern capitalism in the context of financial crisis. In this work, the reader will find a discussion of key issues relevant to the crisis that have occupied the pages of the financial press since …Read More

Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial Crisis

Hossein-zadeh, Ismael, (2014), “Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial Crisis”, International Political Economy Series, Routledge publications, 15 April The study argues that while the prevailing views of deregulation and financialization as instrumental culprits in the explosion and implosion of the financial bubble are not false, they fail to point out that financialization is essentially an indication of an advanced stage of capitalist development. These standard explanations tend to ignore the …Read More

Dealing with Losers-The Political Economy of Policy Transitions

Trebilcock, Michael, (2015), “Dealing with Losers-The Political Economy of Policy Transitions”, Politics Series, Oxford University Press, 8 October Whenever governments change policies—tax, expenditure, or regulatory policies, among others—there will typically be losers: people or groups who relied upon and invested in physical, financial, or human capital predicated on, or even deliberately induced by the pre-reform set of policies. The issue of whether and when to mitigate the costs associated with …Read More

Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century

Morgan,  Glenn, Whitley, Richard (Ed.), (2012), “Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century”, International Political Economy Series, Oxford University Press, 26 April The early twenty-first century is witnessing both an increasing internationalization of many markets, firms, and regulatory institutions, and a reinforcement of the key role of nation states in managing economic development, financial crises, and market upheavals in many OECD and developing economies. Drawing on a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives from …Read More

Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe

Bernaciak, Magdalena, (2015), “Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe”, European Union Series, Routledge publications,  9 June This book systematically examines social dumping in the context of the European integration process. It defines social dumping as the practice, undertaken by self-interested market participants, of undermining or evading existing social regulations with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. It also shows how the two major EU integration projects ? the creation …Read More

European Business

Johnson, Debra, Turner, Colin, (2015), “European Business”, European Union Series, Routledge publications, 3rd edition, 23 September The third edition of European Business is published at a time of turbulence in Europe. This uncertainty puts Europe’s unique business environment at risk.The book retains popular pedagogical features to help students make sense of a confusing and complex environment. Relevant Posts European Commission, (2013), “European business cycle indicators”, 2nd Quarter 2013.. Aiyar, Shekhar, Barkbu, …Read More

Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-Crisis-Has Integration Gone Too Far?

Majone, Giandomenico, (2014), “Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-Crisis-Has Integration Gone Too Far?”, Cambridge University Press, Απρίλιος In this important new book, Giandomenico Majone examines the crucial but often overlooked distinction between the general aim of European integration and the specific method of integration employed in designing an (ill-considered) monetary union. Written with the author’s customary insight and precision, this highly topical and provocative book reviews the Union’s leaders’ tradition of …Read More

European Integration in Times of Crisis-Theoretical perspectives

Ioannou, Demosthenes, Leblond, Patrick, Niemann, Arne, (2015), “European Integration in Times of Crisis-Theoretical perspectives”, International Political Economy Series, Routledge publications, 4 September Few events over the past few decades have given rise to an amount of debate and speculation concerning the state of the European Union (EU) and the future of European integration as the economic and financial crisis that began in 2007. In spite of substantial media, policy-making and …Read More