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Europe in a new world order

Demertzis, Maria, Sapir, Andre, Wolff, Guntram B., (2017), “Europe in a new world order”, Bruegel, 17 February In this paper the authors explore what the EU’s strategic reaction should be to US diminishing giant policies, and the EU’s role in a world of declining hegemony and shifting balances. Relevant Posts Kamkhaji, Jonathan C., Radaelli, Claudio M., (2016), “Crisis, learning and policy change in the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, 20 April Ruparel, Raoul, …Read More

Only Germans Love the Euro These Days

Paul, Jean-Michel, (2017), “Only Germans Love the Euro These Days”, BloombergView, 17 February Political support for the single currency has been waning — especially in Germany’s two largest euro-zone trading partners. In both France and Italy, there is now a plurality of support for candidates who advocate a withdrawal from the euro, with pro-euro candidates gathering less than 30 percent in polls. Relevant Posts Merler, Sylvia, (2017), “Is Germany a currency …Read More

How to balance sovereignty and integration in a voluntary EU

Dabrowski, Marek, (2017), “How to balance sovereignty and integration in a voluntary EU”, Bruegel, 12 January The principle of voluntary membership is a central value of the EU project, but it is also a source of many of its problems. How can the member states address those problems in order to repair the EU’s integration architecture? The European Union and its institutions are often criticised for their supposed ineffectiveness, slowness …Read More

What will drive political uncertainty in 2017?

Wolff, Guntram B., (2017), “What will drive political uncertainty in 2017?”, Bruegel, 3 January 2017 promises to be another challenging year for Europe’s liberal democracies. The EU is facing three, or even four, elections in major member states. The Netherlands, France, Germany and possibly also Italy will go to the polls. The results of all four elections are far from certain at this stage. Indeed, voting behaviour seems to have …Read More

The Abandonment of Progress

Pisani-Ferry, Jean, (2017), “The Abandonment of Progress”, Project Syndicate, 2 January Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan are remembered for the laissez-faire revolution they launched in the early 1980s. They campaigned and won on the promise that free-market capitalism would unleash growth and boost prosperity. In 2016, Nigel Farage, the then-leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) who masterminded Brexit, and US President-elect Donald Trump campaigned and won on a very …Read More

Will Europe Let Germany Lead?

Fratzscher, Marcel, (2016), “Will Europe Let Germany Lead?”, Project Syndicate, 27 December The United Kingdom’s Brexit vote, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s referendum defeat and subsequent resignation, and Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States have created a power vacuum in the West, and in Europe. At a time when Europe needs to make important collective economic and foreign-policy decisions, domestic issues are preoccupying larger European Union member …Read More

The Crisis of Market Fundamentalism

Kaletsky, Anatole, (2016), “The Crisis of Market Fundamentalism”, Project Syndicate, 23 December The biggest political surprise of 2016 was that everyone was so surprised. I certainly had no excuse to be caught unawares: soon after the 2008 crisis, I wrote a book suggesting that a collapse of confidence in political institutions would follow the economic collapse, with a lag of five years or so. We’ve seen this sequence before. The …Read More

Renzi’s referendum defeat is part of the legitimacy crisis plaguing left wing parties in Europe

Mugnai, Iacopo, (2016), “Renzi’s referendum defeat is part of the legitimacy crisis plaguing left wing parties in Europe”, LSE EUROPP blog, 12 December The rejection of Matteo Renzi’s constitutional reform occurred in the context of a highly personalised referendum, hinting at a wider rebuff of his policies. Iacopo Mugnai argues that the outcome of the referendum was not a victory for the populists, but a defeat of an electoral machine without …Read More

How Much Europe Do Europeans Need?

Fischer, Joschka, (2016), “How Much Europe Do Europeans Need?”, Project Syndicate, 2 November In his final address to the European Parliament in 1995, then-French President François Mitterrand, whose failing health was evident to all, found the following indelible words to characterize Europe’s great scourge: “Le nationalisme, c’est la guerre!” Nationalism and war were the defining experiences of Mitterrand’s political career, and he was referring not only to the dreadful past …Read More

Citizens in Europe: Essays on Democracy, Constitutionalism and European Integration

Offe, Claus, K.  Preuß, Ulrich,  (2016), “Citizens in Europe: Essays on Democracy, Constitutionalism and European Integration”, ECPR Press, March This interdisciplinary collection of essays by a constitutionalist and a political sociologist examines how fragmented societies can be held together by appropriate and effective constitutional arrangements providing for bonds of democratic citizenship. Exploring the political order dilemmas of capitalist democracies, the authors address moral and institutional prerequisites on which the deepening of European …Read More