Petralias, A., Petros, S. and Prodromidis, P., (2013), “Greece in Recession: Economic predictions, mispredictions and policy implications”, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, GreeSE Paper No.75, September. We look into the available macroeconomic figures and the predictions made about the recession in Greece by international organizations, Greek research centers, and the Greek government; and suggest that the predictions regarding the decline in real GDP in recent years were …Read More
Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with vox populi
Piedrafita, S., (2013), “Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with vox populi”, European Policy Institutes Network, No.22, 22 August. Declining support for the European Union in many member states is causing some disquiet about the possibility of an even lower voter turnout in the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections to be held next May. This discontent might well be exploited by populist anti-European parties and boost protest-vote participation, …Read More
Give Greece a break: what politicians need to tell German voters
Chrysoloras, N., (2013), “Give Greece a break: what politicians need to tell German voters”, The Guardian, 5 September. One of the most hotly debated issues in Germany in the runup to the elections is the future of Greece. But, unfortunately, what we mostly hear is the terrible noise of populism and there are hardly any voices of reason. People have started throwing numbers around in the most irresponsible and incomprehensible fashion, without any …Read More
The Global Competitiveness Report
World Economic Forum, (2013), “The Global Competitiveness Report”, 4 September. Excellent innovation and strong institutional environments are increasingly influencing economies’ competitiveness, according to The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, which is launched today. The report’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) places Switzerland at the top of the ranking for the fifth year running. Singapore and Finland remain in second and third positions respectively. Germany moves up two places (4th) and the United States …Read More
Interim Economic Assessment
OECD, (2013), “Interim Economic Assessment”, 3 September. A moderate recovery is underway in the major advanced economies, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment. Growth is proceeding at encouraging rates in North America, Japan and the UK. The euro area as a whole is out of recession, although output remains weak in a number of countries.
Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States
Aivazova, N., (2013), “Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States”, Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Brief, N. 13-20. Many of the world’s advanced economies continue to struggle with sluggish growth and high unemployment, especially among younger workers. One reason for high unemployment in countries such as Greece, Portugal, and Spain is a mismatch between the skills demanded by employers and those available among the population. …Read More
Ireland gets the new Trio Presidency off to a propitious start
Piedrafita, S., (2013), “Ireland gets the new Trio Presidency off to a propitious start”, CEPS Commentary, 28 August. The Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU (January-June 2013) faced numerous challenges, not the least of which was to negotiate the financial framework for the period 2014-2020 and the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy with the European Parliament, together with the pressure to advance the banking agenda. Moreover, the …Read More
Assessing the Impact and Phasing of Multi-year Fiscal Adjustment: A General Framework
Roaf, J., (2013), “Assessing the Impact and Phasing of Multi-year Fiscal Adjustment: A General Framework”, IMF Working Paper, N.,13/182. This paper provides a general framework to assess the output and debt dynamics of an economy undertaking multi-year fiscal adjustment. The framework allows country-specific assumptions about the magnitude and persistence of fiscal multipliers, hysteresis effects, and endogenous financing costs. In addition to informing macro projections, the framework can also shed light on the …Read More
EL.STAT.: The Greek Economy
EL.STAT., (2013), “The Greek Economy”, 26 July. The Greek Economy publication aims to provide the latest key economic information on Greece in a clear and comprehensive manner. Written in both the greek and english languages, it is designed for users of statistics who seek updated information on recent economic developments, as well as long-term economic trends. It provides information on major economic indicators and time series compiled mostly by the …Read More
The Greek Economic Crisis and the Experience of Austerity
Papadimitriou, D., Nikiforos, M., Zezza, G., (2013), “The Greek Economic Crisis and the Experience of Austerity”, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Strategic Analysis, July 2013. Employment in Greece is in free fall, with more than one million jobs lost since October 2008—a drop of more than 28 percent. In March, the “official” unemployment rate was 27.4 percent, the highest level seen in any industrialized country in the free world …Read More