Scenario Team Eurozone 2020, (2013), “Future Scenarios for the Eurozone: 15 Perspectives on the Euro Crisis”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, March. The Eurozone is standing at a crossroads, facing the biggest challenges in its history: the systemic crisis and the political attempts to overcome it have far-reaching consequences for the future of the Economic and Monetary Union, European integration and Europe in the world. By identifying the main driving forces that …Read More
The crisis of the periphery. Greece and EU foreign policy
Zotti, Antonio, (2013), “The crisis of the periphery. Greece and EU foreign policy”, Istituto Per Gli Studi Di Politica Internazionale. Since the outbreak of the EU debt crisis, severe budget constraints and urgent domestic concerns have been seriously affecting Greece’s foreign policy. The first part of the paper tries to shed light on how structural factors underlying both Greek policy-making and its regional context produce stabilizing effects on the country’s …Read More
No Exit? Greece’s Ongoing Crisis
Mazower, Mark, (2013), “No Exit? Greece’s Ongoing Crisis“, The Nation, 13 March. When the New Year kicked off in Athens, a pall of smoke hung over the city. Steep hikes in fuel prices had pushed people to burn wood to stay warm, and even discarded Christmas trees were being fed into the fires. At the same time, a series of small explosions targeted the offices of the two major parties, …Read More
European Vacancy Monitor No 8
Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip
Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2012
Index of Economic Freedom
Why is the Greek economy collapsing? A simple tale of high multipliers and low exports
Alcidi, Cinzia Gros, Daniel, (2012), ‘Why is the Greek economy collapsing? A simple tale of high multipliers and low exports’,, 21 December. In an attempt to understand why the Greek economy is collapsing, this Commentary points out two key aspects that are often overlooked – the country’s large multiplier and a bad export performance. When combined with the need for a large fiscal adjustment, these factors help explain how fiscal consolidation in …Read More
The probability of Greek exit, revisited
Jens Nordvig, (2012), ‘Τhe probability of Greek exit, revisited’,, 17 December. Fears of an imminent Greek exit from the Eurozone have subsided, for now. This column attempts to measure the probability of a Greek exit, finding that the changing fortunes of Greek political parties, and the possibility of an early election, mean that the risk of a Greek exit may actually be quite high. It suggests that, despite investors’ …Read More
Greece’s Bogus Debt Deal
Mody, Ashoka, (2012), ‘Greece’s Bogus Debt Deal’,, 14 December. The process of official forgiveness of Greek debt has begun. Referred to as “official sector involvement” (OSI), it includes several initiatives aimed at reducing Greece’s debt/GDP ratio to 124% in 2020, from roughly 200% today. Even as the deal was announced, however, newspaper reports suggested that officials recognized that the measures would be insufficient to meet the target; further negotiations …Read More