Bosoni, A. (2014) “Traveling Through Multiple Europes“, STRATFOR: Geopolitical Weekly, 04 November. Europe is overcrowded with people and with nations. Six decades ago, the need to suppress the dangerous forces of nationalism led to the unprecedented political, economic and social experiment now known as the European Union. The hundreds of thousands of EU citizens working across the Continent and the lack of border controls between member states show that …Read More
The Financialization of Life
Yves Smith — Naked Capitalism Blog, “Interview with Costas Lapavitsas: The Financialization of Life“, Real News Network, 23 October. Yves here. One of the efforts the Naked Capitalism community has been engaged in is trying to understand and map our emerging political and economic order. Over the last four decades, massive changes have taken place in social values, in job security, in the importance of communities relative to other …Read More
Still sinning … a German economist who cannot face facts
Mitchell, B. (2014) “Still sinning … a German economist who cannot face facts“, Bill Mitchell Blog: Modern Monetary Theory… Macroeconomic Reality, 23 October. German economist Hans-Werner Sinn, who has been implacably opposed to the Eurozone bailouts and so-called debt mutualisation is at it again with an article in the UK Guardian yesterday (October 22, 2014) – Europe can learn from the US and make each state liable for its …Read More
Why Inequality Matters
Bill Gates (2014) “Why Inequality Matters“, LinkedIn Influencers, 15 October. A 700-page treatise on economics translated from French is not exactly a light summer read—even for someone with an admittedly high geek quotient. But this past July, I felt compelled to read Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century after reading several reviews and hearing about it from friends. I’m glad I did. I encourage you to read it …Read More
In this together – Rethinking Solidarity in Europe
Mendelsohn, J. (2014) “In this together – Rethinking Solidarity in Europe“, The European Magazine, 02 Οκτωβρίου. If solidarity is to serve political change, it must be elevated to a normative goal and enforced as a principle of law and not as a matter of choice. Since the eruption of the Eurozone crisis in late 2008, I – and many others – have been struggling with the comprehension, the origins …Read More
Revamping Europe’s Tattered Social Contract
Derviş, Κ. (2014) “Revamping Europe’s Tattered Social Contract“, Brookings Institute, 18 September. For most of the beginning of 2014, the eurozone seemed to be in a state of recovery – weak and unsteady, but nonetheless real. In April, the International Monetary Fund estimated that overall GDP growth would reach 1.2% this year, with slowly declining unemployment, up from its previous forecast of 1% growth. With the threat of unsustainably high interest …Read More
Greece, racism and the church – Your genocide or mine?
“Greece, racism and the church – Your genocide or mine?“, The Economist Blog, 29 August 2014. A long awaited bill whose stated aim is to combat racism has been limping its way through the Greek Parliament, despite several bishops from the national church denouncing it as “catastrophic” while some liberal observers say it does not go far enough. In its latest iteration the bill would: impose fines and a ban on …Read More
Can we expect a rise in migration from Eastern Europe?
Jaroszewicz, Μ. (2014) “Can we expect a rise in migration from Eastern Europe?“, EU Observer, 15 July. Research indicates that the inflow of migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova – even after visa liberalisation – will be modest. The Polish Centre for Eastern Studies, altogether with seven other research institutions from Central and Eastern Europe, has recently concluded research aimed at forecasting possible future migration from eastern Europe to …Read More
Bringing Europe closer to the people
Schultz, M. (2014) “Bringing Europe closer to the people“, European Parliament: Articles, 10 July. “Isn’t it rather that Europe turns away from the people?” This question from a Danish woman during a debate on why people turn away from Europe got Martin Schulz thinking for months. “This sentence really touched me,” he told us a few months later in an interview. “Maybe it isn’t true, but we have to …Read More
Why We Need More Social Europe
Crouch, C. (2014) “Why We Need More Social Europe“, Social Europe Journal, 04 July. Globalization makes international collaboration more urgent; but it also makes it less likely to happen. Marketization requires social policy, not only to combat the negative effects of markets, but also to support the market with things it cannot provide for itself; but marketization and social policy are usually seen as opposed projects. For Europeans, confronting …Read More