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Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union: What the Commission missed in its reflection paper

Marelli, Enrico, Signorelli, Marcello, (2017), “Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union: What the Commission missed in its reflection paper”, LSE EUROPP, 20 June The European Commission’s recent reflection paper on deepening economic and monetary union raises several key questions about the past and future of the Eurozone. The paper certainly represents a positive contribution to the ongoing process of European integration, after the impasse caused by the deep and prolonged …Read More

Income inequality and growth in Europe: key role for national policies

Darvas, Zsolt, (2017), “Income inequality and growth in Europe: key role for national policies”, Bruegel, 29 May The literature is inconclusive whether income inequality is good or bad for growth and job creation. Offering opportunity for all segments of the population is crucial and income inequality might reduce social mobility. Income inequality in the EU is at a much lower level than in most other parts of the world, but …Read More

Turning Germany’s ‘bad’ trade surplus into a good experience for all (including Germans)

Mattern, Frank, Mischke, Jan, (2017), “Turning Germany’s ‘bad’ trade surplus into a good experience for all (including Germans)”, VoxEU, 21 June Germany’s large trade surplus is once again at the centre of controversy. This column argues that instead of being on the defensive about its competitive exports, Germany should look to reduce its current account surplus by making itself more competitive in the long term through smart investment in digital …Read More

A new approach to governance and integration in EMU for an optimal use of economic policy framework – priority to financial union

Papaspyrou, Theodoros, S., (2017), “A new approach to governance and integration in EMU for an optimal use of economic policy framework – priority to financial union”, Bank of Greece Working Paper 229, June This paper proposes a new approach to EMU governance and integration consisting of the following elements: (i) an optimal use of the existing EU institutional framework for economic, fiscal and financial policies is necessary and possible at …Read More

Debt mainly held by non-residents in half of the EU Member States

Eurostat/Debt mainly held by non-residents in half of the EU Member States/20 June 2017 Significant differences can be observed across the European Union (EU) regarding the sector in which government debt is held. Among Member States for which data are available, the share of public debt held by non-residents in 2016 was highest in Cyprus (79%), followed by Latvia (72%), Austria (71%), Finland (70%) and Lithuania (69%). In contrast, the …Read More

Estimating the impact of shocks to bank capital in the euro area

Kanngiesser, Derrick, Martin, Reiner, Maurin, Laurent, Moccero, Diego, (2017), “Estimating the impact of shocks to bank capital in the euro area”, ECB, June We contribute to the empirical literature on the impact of shocks to bank capital in the euro area by estimating a Bayesian VAR model identified with sign restrictions. The variables included in the VAR are those typically used in monetary policy analysis, extended to include aggregate banking …Read More

The Fed’s problem with inflation

Merler,  Silvia, (2017), “The Fed’s problem with inflation”, Brugel, 19 June Joseph Gagnon at PIIE argues that the FOMC meeting offered three unexpected items. First, Chair Yellen pointed to “one-off” development in the prices of mobile phone service plans and pharmaceuticals in March, as the main reason the FOMC’s preferred measure of inflation has moved away from its 2 percent target to 1.5 percent as of April. Gagnon wonders whether the …Read More

Immigration And Economic Growth: Is Keynes Back?

Rothstein, Bo, (2017), “Immigration And Economic Growth: Is Keynes Back?”, Social Europe, 20 June During the huge refugee crisis in 2015, among the OECD countries, Sweden accepted the largest number of refugees in relation to its population size (10m): 163,000 asylum seekers. If the United States had received an equal share compared to its population, it would have been about 5.5 million people but it took in only about 70,000 asylum …Read More

Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe: A Progress Report

Philippon, Thomas, Salord, Aude, (2017), “Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe: A Progress Report”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 20 June The 4th Special Report in the Geneva Reports on the World Economy series reviews the current status of bail-ins and bank resolution in Europe. It first provides a critical comparison of the US and EU bank resolution rules, including the underlying similarities, differences and enhancement points of both frameworks. …Read More

Price levels varied by almost one to three across the EU Member States

Eurostat/Price levels varied by almost one to three across the EU Member States/15 June 2017 In 2016, price levels for consumer goods and services differed widely in theEuropean Union (EU). Denmark (139% of the EU average) had the highest price level, followed by Ireland (125%), Luxembourg and Sweden (both 124%), Finland and the United Kingdom (both 121%). At the opposite end of the scale, the lowest price level was found …Read More