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The IMF and Sovereign Debt

Joyce, P. J. (2014) “The IMF and Sovereign Debt“, Economonitor–A Roubini Global Economics Project, 09 Σεπτεμβρίου.   The continuing inability of the Eurozone economies to break out of their current impasse means that any optimistic projections of declining debt to GDP ratios are unlikely to be achieved. As long as European governments continue to raise funds in the financial markets on favorable terms, the current situation remains sustainable.  But the …Read More

Portugal and Greece: the odd return to markets

Steinbock, D. (2014) “Portugal and Greece: the odd return to markets“, Opinion Article, EU Observer, 05 Μαΐου.   BRUSSELS – In the past few weeks, Portugal and Greece have returned to the markets in moves seen in Brussels as heralding a rebound in Southern Europe. In reality, a fragile recovery has barely begun and will take years. On Sunday (4 May), Portugal’s Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho announced that his …Read More

Δύο Ιστορίες Μισθολογικής Προσαρμογής

Χριστοπούλου, Ρ. & Μοναστηριώτης, Β. (2014) “Δύο Ιστορίες Μισθολογικής Προσαρμογής“, Εφημερίδα Καθημερινή, 27 Απριλίου.   Η ​​καθίζηση των μισθών τόσο στον δημόσιο όσο και στον ιδιωτικό τομέα την τελευταία πενταετία είναι γνωστή σε όλους. Αυτό που είναι ίσως λιγότερο γνωστό είναι πως η μισθολογική προσαρμογή στους δύο τομείς ήταν εξίσου βαθιά. Μάλιστα, στον ιδιωτικό τομέα έγινε μία πολύ μεγαλύτερη «ορθολογικοποίηση» του μισθολογίου, ενώ το Δημόσιο συνεχίζει να  προσφέρει «προνομιακές» αμοιβές. …Read More

This could be the moment for Greece to default

Münchau, W. (2014) “This could be the moment for Greece to default”, Financial Times, 13 Απριλίου.   While the financial world is celebrating the Greek return to the bond markets, I am asking myself this question: is this a good time for Greece to default on its foreign debt? It is not a subject of polite conversion in Brussels or Athens. Nor does it appear to be a popular subject …Read More

Latvia and Greece: Less is More

Biggs, M. & Mayer, T. (2014) “Latvia and Greece: Less is More“, Economic Policy, CEPS High-Briefs, 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 Key Points: Despite considerable differences, there were also many similarities in economic performance between Latvia and Greece before their respective adjustment crises. After the immediate crisis, however, economic activity rebounded sharply in Latvia but continued to contract in Greece. This paper argues that this difference was due primarily to developments in …Read More

The Euro at Age 15 — Is it a Reserve Currency Yet?

Horne, P. (2014) “The Euro at Age 15 – Is it a Reserve Currency Yet?”, The European Institute, Φεβρουάριος 2014. The euro was welcomed at birth on Jan. 1, 1999, as a new financial currency (coins and banknotes were issued three years later) and hoped by its promoters to be an alternative to the dollar, which had reigned as the world’s primary reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement.   …Read More

If Scotland, why not Greece?

Βαρουφάκης, Γ. (2014) “If Scotland, why not Greece?“, Yannis Varoufakis Thoughts for the post-2008 World, 10 Μαρτίου Why an independent Scotland should get out of sterling, but Greece should not volunteer to exit the Eurozone Scotland should state its intention to decouple from sterling, once independent, rather than petitioning for a continuation of its subservient role in an asymmetrical sterling union. Or so I argued in the Scottish Times in ‘Scotland …Read More

Greece’s health crisis: from austerity to denialism

Kentikelenis, A., Karanikolos, M., Reeves, A., McKee, M., and Stuckler,D., (2014), “Greece’s health crisis: from austerity to denialism”, The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9918, Pages 748 – 753, 22 Φεβρουαρίου. Greece’s economic crisis has deepened since it was bailed out by the international community in 2010. The country underwent the sixth consecutive year of economic contraction in 2013, with its economy shrinking by 20% between 2008 and 2012, and anaemic …Read More

Prospects and Policies for the Greek Economy

Papadimitriou, D., Nikiforos, M. and Zezza, G., (2014), “Prospects and Policies for the Greek Economy”, Levy Economics Institute Strategic Analysis, Φεβρουάριος 2014. In this report, we discuss alternative scenarios for restoring growth and increasing employment in the Greek economy, evaluating alternative policy options through our specially constructed macroeconometric model (LIMG). After reviewing recent events in 2013 that confirm our previous projections for an increase in the unemployment rate, we examine …Read More

The political challenges of institutional reform in Greece

Featherstone, K., (2014), “The political challenges of institutional reform in Greece”, Policy Network, 11 Φεβρουαρίου. Since 2010, Greece has endured deep social and economic pain.  Indeed, its recession is now comparable to that of the Wall Street crash.  No other European state has undergone such pain in the last fifty years or more.  And, of course, Germany followed a more benign path towards the GDR than it has insisted upon …Read More