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Italy-EU Budget Confrontation: Prospects for a Happy Ending

Kirkegaard J., (2018), “Italy-EU Budget Confrontation: Prospects for a Happy Ending”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 5 Νοεμβρίου Perhaps predictably, the new anti-establishment Italian coalition government, which took office in May, is engaged in a confrontation with the European Commission over its expansionary budget. With a significantly larger deficit planned for the coming fiscal year, the budget conflicts with the EU’s fiscal rules and reneges on commitments made by the …Read More

The Labor Market Integration of Migrants in Europe: New Evidence from Micro Data

Giang Ho and Rima Turk-Ariss, (2018), “The Labor Market Integration of Migrants in Europe: New Evidence from Micro Data”, IMF Working Paper, No. 18/232, 1 Νοεμβρίου This paper presents novel empirical evidence on the labor market integration of migrants across Europe. It investigates how successfully migrants integrate in 13 European countries by applying a unified framework to analyze a rich micro dataset with over ten million individuals surveyed between 1998 …Read More

Euro area unconventional monetary policy and bank resilience

Fernando Avalos and Emmanuel C Mamatzakis, (2018), “Euro area unconventional monetary policy and bank resilience”, BIS Working Papers, No 754, 2 Νοεμβρίου The ECB has deployed a broad array of unconventional monetary policy tools over the last few years. Those include negative interest rates, and several programmes of asset purchases and long-term liquidity provision, which we bundle together under the general label of “quantitative easing”. We study the impact of …Read More

Macron’s strategist says goal is to reshape fracturing EU politics

Michel Rose, (2018), “Macron’s strategist says goal is to reshape fracturing EU politics”, Reuters, 31 Οκτωβρίου Europe’s fragmenting political landscape is an opportunity for Emmanuel Macron to blow apart Brussels’ traditional left-right duopoly in next year’s European election, the newly appointed head of the French president’s EU campaign said. In his first interview since his appointment this week as top strategist in Macron’s En Marche party, Stéphane Séjourné says the …Read More

Could Sanctions against Italy Be Imposed Earlier than Expected?

Cohen-Setton J.and Leandro A., (2018), “Could Sanctions against Italy Be Imposed Earlier than Expected?”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 30 Οκτωβρίου Ιtaly may soon find that time is running out if it wants to escape swift punishment for violating the European Union’s tough rules against excessive budget deficits.[1] The nation’s debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 130 percent is well above the EU debt limit of 60 percent. In the past, …Read More

The Merkel Era Is Ending—What It Means for the German Government

Kirkegaard J.F., and Zettelmeyer J., (2018), “The Merkel Era Is Ending—What It Means for the German Government”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 30 Οκτωβρίου Chancellor Angela Merkel’s abrupt announcement that she would not seek reelection as leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) constitutes the beginning of the end of the Merkel era. What does this mean for the German government? Contrary to what one might expect, it is more …Read More

Η σημασία της αποχώρησης Μέρκελ για την Ε.Ε.

Παγουλάτος Γ., “Η σημασία της αποχώρησης Μέρκελ για την Ε.Ε.”, Η Καθημερινή, 30 Οκτωβρίου Στο πηδάλιο της Γερμανίας από το 2005, η Μέρκελ αναδείχθηκε στην ισχυρότερη ηγετική προσωπικότητα της Ε.Ε. Τόσο σε εθνικό όσο και σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, έτεινε συνήθως να κυβερνά «από το κέντρο». Η διαχείριση της κρίσης της Ευρωζώνης φέρει τη σφραγίδα της. Συμβιβαστική και εξισορροπητική, καλλιεργώντας συναινέσεις, πλοηγώντας την Ευρωζώνη σε μια πολιτική μικρών εξελικτικών βημάτων, απέφυγε τα …Read More

The end of social Europe? Understanding EU social policy change

Graziano P., Hartlapp M., (2018), “The end of social Europe? Understanding EU social policy change”, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2018.1531911, 26 Οκτωβρίου The financial and economic crisis has increased attention on EU social policy, yet little policy change has been realized. Drawing on Easton’s political system approach, we differentiate demand emanating from the difficult situation following the crisis and support in form of the 2004, 2009 and 2014 European elections. …Read More

Europe’s Budget Rules Need Smart Enforcement

Bloomberg (Editorial Board), (2018), “Europe’s Budget Rules Need Smart Enforcement”, Bloomberg, 31 Οκτωβρίου As it does each year, the European Commission is digging into the budgets of euro-zone member states to see if they comply with the bloc’s fiscal rules. The recent slowing of the European economy complicates this work — or ought to. It suggests that Brussels should not be overly strict. The commission needs to sanction serious violations, …Read More

Authority Under Construction: The European Union in Comparative Political Perspective

Kathleen R. McNamara, (2018), “Authority Under Construction: The European Union in Comparative Political Perspective”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 56, Issue 7, 23 Αυγούστου Moravcsik’s liberal intergovernmentalism irrevocably upgraded the rigour of European Union scholarship by categorizing the EU as an international organization, and analyzing it in terms of general theories of international relations. The deepening of European governance has meant, however, that the EU today is better understood …Read More