Hansen, R. & Gordon, J. C., (2014), “Deficits, Democracy and Demographics: Europe’s Three Crises”, West European Politics, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1199-1222. This article argues that the EU and, above all, the eurozone are facing not one crisis – an economic and fiscal one – but three: an economic crisis, a crisis of institutions, and a crisis of demography. These crises are not simultaneous; they are overlapping and self-reinforcing, …Read More
Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis
Daniele, G. & Geys, B., (2015), “Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.22, Issue 5, pp. 650-670. The current economic crisis has triggered fierce debates among policy-makers and the media across and within European countries about the need for a closer European fiscal union. Using a novel dataset derived from the Eurobarometer surveys, this article investigates European citizens‘ opinions towards such fiscal …Read More
Dynastic Inequality, Mobility and Equality of Opportunity
Ravi Kanbur & Joseph E. Stiglitz (2015) “Dynastic Inequality, Mobility and Equality of Opportunity“, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Discussion Paper No. 10542, Απρίλιος. One often heard counter to the concern on rising income and wealth inequality is that it is wrong to focus on inequality of outcomes in a “snapshot.” Intergenerational mobility and “equality of opportunity”, so the argument goes, is what matters for normative evaluation. In …Read More
Demographic structure and the macroeconomy
Aksoy, Y., Basso, H., Grasl, T. & Smith, R. (2015) “Demographic structure and the macroeconomy“, VoxEU Organisation, 08 Απριλίου. The disappointing recovery after the crisis has sparked renewed interest in the medium-run outlook of advanced economies. Lower population growth and its impact on labour supply gained widespread prominence. This column takes a more general view identifying the impact of the evolution of demographic structure, or the entire age profile, …Read More
Crime scars: Recessions and the making of career criminals
Bell, B., Bindler, A. & Machin, S. (2015) “Crime scars: Recessions and the making of career criminals“, VoxEU Organisation, 04 Μαρτίου. Recessions can lead to an increase in youth unemployment, which could later negatively affect labour market outcomes. This column explores the effect of recessions on criminal activity. The findings indicate a substantial effect on initiating and forming youth careers. There is initially strong and eventually long-lasting detrimental effect …Read More
Democracy and the threat of revolution: New evidence
Aidt, S. T., Leon, G., Franck, R. & Jensen, S. P. (2015) “Democracy and the threat of revolution: New evidence“, VoxEU Organisation, 08 Ιανουαρίου. Some theories suggest that the threat of revolution plays a pivotal role in democratisation. This column provides new evidence in support of this hypothesis. The authors use democratic transitions from Europe in the 19th century, Africa at the turn at the 20th century, and the …Read More
Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: Evidence from England and Wales
Rodríguez-Pose, Α. & Hardy, C. D. (2014) “Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: Evidence from England and Wales“, VoxEU Organisation, 04 Δεκεμβρίου. Cultural diversity is increasing globally. This column examines diversity from the point of view of entrepreneurship. It demonstrates that cultural diversity breeds entrepreneurship – but the nature of the diversity is critical. Recent migrants, rather than the descendants of past migrants, create the conditions for a more dynamic entrepreneurial …Read More
Growth, inequality, and social welfare: Cross-country evidence
Dollar, D., Kleineberg, T. & Kraay, A. (2014) “Growth, inequality, and social welfare: Cross-country evidence“, VoxEU Organisation, 19 Νοεμβρίου. Concerns about inequality are at the forefront of many policy debates. While inequality has increased in many countries over the past few decades, in others it has decreased. This column uses data from 117 countries over the past four decades to investigate the importance of such changes in inequality, as …Read More
Inclusive Growth: What Future for the European Social Model?
Schmid, G. (2014) “Inclusive Growth: What Future for the European Social Model?“, IZA Policy Paper No. 82, Μάιος 2014. This essay starts, after a short introduction on the importance and dimensions of “inclusive growth”, with a brief empirical sketch on to what extent Europe has already succeeded with respect to this ambitious goal. The result is quite sobering and gives rise to the question: why is it so? The …Read More
Law And Solidarity: Reflections On August 1914
Deakin, S. (2014) “Law And Solidarity: Reflections On August 1914“, Social Europe Journal, 13 Οκτωβρίου. On the occasion of the centenary of the outbreak of the war in Europe, it is my great privilege to give this address to the graduating Masters class of 2014, and to continue the historic ties between Cambridge and Louvain. A century ago, our two universities stood in solidarity against the common threat of …Read More