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Financial Stability Review – November 2013

ECB, (2013), Financial Stability Review – November 2013, Frankfurt: ECB. Stress indicators and euro area fundamentals suggest alleviation of financial market tensions, especially on the banks’ funding side. However, financial stability conditions remain fragile and euro area adjustment process is incomplete. Euro area financial stress has remained moderate over the last half year despite bouts of considerable global financial market turbulence, according to the new Financial Stability Review of the …Read More

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013

WEF, (2013), The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013: Reducing Barriers to Economic Growth and Job Creation, Geneva: World Economic Forum. Under the theme “Reducing Barriers to Economic Growth and Job Creation”, The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013 assesses 140 economies worldwide based on the extent to which they are putting in place the factors and policies to make it attractive to develop the travel and tourism sector. Read …Read More

Spain: Financial Sector Reform

IMF, (2013), “Spain: Financial Sector Reform—Fourth Progress Report”, International Monetary Fund, Country Report No. 13/331, 22 Νοεμβρίου. Implementation of Spain’s financial sector program remains on track. Essentially all measures specified in the program have now been implemented, as envisaged under its front-loaded timetable. Of note, capital-augmentation measures arising from last year’s stress test are now complete, SAREB has almost concluded its organizational development and is now accelerating the liquidation of …Read More

Health at a Glance 2013

OECD, (2013), Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, Paris: OECD. This seventh edition of Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data on different aspects of the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It provides striking evidence of large variations across countries in the costs, activities and results of health systems. Key indicators provide information on health status, the determinants of health, health care activities and health …Read More

Deepening the EMU: How to maintain and develop the European social model?

Fernandes, S. and Maslauskaite, K., (2013), Deepening the EMU: How to maintain and develop the European social model?”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Studies and Reports 101, Νοέμβριος. Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes a study commissioned by the Federal Chancellery of Austria on the impact of the reforms currently implemented or mooted on national welfare states in the EMU. As Jacques Delors underlines in the foreword of …Read More

OECD Economic Outlook 2013

OECD, (2013), OECD Economic Outlook, Vol. 2013/2, OECD Publishing. Τhe global economy is expected to continue expanding at a moderate pace over the coming two years, but policymakers must ensure that instability in financial markets and underlying fragility in some major economies are not allowed to derail growth, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. “The recovery is real, but at a slow speed, and there may be turbulence on …Read More

QE and ultra-low interest rates: Distributional effects and risks

Dobbs, R., Lund, S., Koller, T. and Shwayder, A., (2013), “QE and ultra-low interest rates: Distributional effects and risks”, McKinsey Global Institute, Discussion Paper, Νοέμβριος. There is widespread consensus that the conventional and unconventional monetary policies that world’s major central banks implemented in response to the global financial crisis prevented a deeper recession and higher unemployment than there otherwise would have been. These measures, along with a lack of demand …Read More

Government at a Glance 2013

OECD, (2013), Government at a Glance 2013, Paris: OECD Publishing. Government at a Glance 2013 provides readers with a dashboard of key indicators assembled with the goal of contributing to the analysis and international comparison of public sector performance. Indicators on government revenues, expenditures, and employment are provided alongside key output and outcome data in the sectors of education and health. Government at a Glance also includes indicators on key …Read More

States of uncertainty: Youth unemployment in Europe

Thompson, S., (2013), “States of uncertainty: Youth unemployment in Europe”, Institute for Public Policy Research, Νοέμβριος. Using new statistical analysis of the youth unemployment picture across Europe, this report assesses the different roles played by education and training, business behaviour and labour market institutions in young people’s transitions from compulsory schooling to suitable employment. Youth unemployment has increased substantially in most European countries since the 2008–2009 financial crisis, reaching 5.5 …Read More

European Economic Forecast – Autumn 2013

European Commission, (2013), European Economic Forecast – Autumn 2013, Brussels: European Commission. The EU economy has returned to positive GDP growth. Following a slow and still vulnerable expansion of economic activity during the remainder of 2013, growth is set to become gradually more domestic demand-driven and more robust in the course of 2014 and into 2015. The legacy of the crisis-deleveraging, financial fragmentation, elevated uncertainty and rebalancing needs – will …Read More