Schadler, S., (2013), “The IMF and the legacy of the euro crisis”, VoxEU, 15 Οκτωβρίου.
The IMF loans to Greece, Ireland and Portugal are considered controversial by some analysts. This column argues that these loans – granted without having agreed on convincing paths to manageable debt levels – constituted a substantial departure from IMF principles. The situation is costly for Europe and, having now permanently changed the principles guiding large IMF loans, it will be costly for crises to come. A serious rethink of the management and decision-making structure of the IMF is needed.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Shafik, N., (2013), “Europe’s Choice: Risk Stagnation or Pursue Integration”, iMFdirect Blog, 11 Οκτωβρίου.
- Brender, A., Pisani, F. and Gagna, E., (2013), The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Placing a curb on growth, Brussells: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).
- Furceri, D. and Zdzienicka, A., (2013), “The Euro Area Crisis: Need for a Supranational Fiscal Risk Sharing Mechanism?”, IMF Working Papers Series, WP/13/198, Σεπτέμβριος.