European Commission (2014) European Job Mobility Bulletin, Issue No. 12 , 30 Απριλίου.
According to this issue of the European Job Mobility Bulletin, based on the vacancies published on the EURES portal, the top 5 jobs in Europe are: Personal care and related workers, Finance and sales associate professionals, Housekeeping and restaurant services workers, Shop salespersons and demonstrators, and Electrical and electronic equipment mechanics and fitters. This Bulletin is available in English only.
Tracking down job vacancies in the EU…
In 2010, as part of its Europe 2020 flagship initiative ‘An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’, the European Commission launched the ‘Monitoring Labour Market Developments in Europe’ project to help jobseekers and employers looking to work or recruit outside their own countries.
At the heart of the project is an analysis of job vacancies, using a wide range of sources providing relevant data. Results of the analysis are published on a quarterly basis in two different publications: the European Job Mobility Bulletin (this publication), and the European Vacancy Monitor.
The European Job Mobility Bulletin a useful guide for EURES advisers and jobseekers gives an analysis of the job vacancies posted on the European Job Mobility (EURES) portal every day, using data on jobs available to international jobseekers from 31 national Public Employment Services (PES).
The European Vacancy Monitor gives a broader picture of recruitment demand. It is aimed at employment and recruitment services, employers, and policy makers in the field of education and employment. It uses many sources of information including Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, National Statistical Offices, Public Employment Services, temporary work agencies, online recruitment services and research institutions.
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