Castro-Conde, C. A. (2014) “The positions of European political parties offer a clear choice to voters over what type of Europe they would like to see“, LSE EUROPP, 08 Μαΐου
European Parliament elections have often been criticised from the perspective that they fail to engage voters. Cristina Ares Castro-Conde presents a comprehensive comparison of the positions contained within the manifestos of all of the main European political parties. She argues that when the programmes of each party are broken down, there are clear differences visible between the parties, highlighting that the elections represent a chance for voters to make a real choice over the type of Europe they would like to see.
European Parliament (EP) elections are due to be held on 22-25 May. European voters have often approached EP elections from the perspective that their vote simply represents a decision to support or oppose the European project in general, or that their choice should be about supporting or penalising the party or parties in government at the national level in their country. The objective of this post is to show the details of the programmes being offered by each of the main European political parties to help inform voting in the elections and show that beyond these broad issues, the elections give EU citizens a real choice over what type of Europe they would like to see.
Σχετικές αναρτήσεις:
- McDonnell, D. (2014) “The rise of Euroscepticism across Europe has masked general apathy about the European elections among voters“, LSE EUROPP, 29 Απριλίου.
- Verney, S. & Michalaki, S., “Greece”, στο Conti, N. (ed.) (2014) “Party Attitudes towards the EU in the Member States – Parties for Europe, Parties against Europe“, Routledge Advances in European Politics, Routledge Publications: United Kingdom.
- Piedrafita, S. (2013) “Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with vox populi”, European Policy Institutes Network, No.22, 22 Αυγούστου.