Bernaciak, M. (2014) “Social Dumping and EU Integration Process“, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Working Paper 2014.06, 14 Οκτωβρίου.
This paper proposes a conceptualization of social dumping and applies it to an analysis of the EU integration process. Building on recent contributions in the fields of economic theory, economic sociology and institutional political economy, it defines social dumping as the practice, undertaken by self-interested market participants, of undermining or evading existing social regulations with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. The paper also argues that the social dumping practices of market actors are encouraged by policy initiatives of liberalization and deregulation. To illustrate this point, it shows how two major European integration projects -the creation of the Internal Market, and EU enlargement to the east and to the south- have made social dumping more pertinent by providing market participants with new strategic opportunities to contest social norms.
Σχετικές αναρτήσεις:
- Anannya, Ο. (2014) “The Debate About Integration“, Politics in Britain – Ideas on Europe, 25 Σεπτεμβρίου.
- Hobolt, S. B. (2014) “Ever closer or ever wider? Public attitudes towards further enlargement and integration in the European Union“, Routledge Publications, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 664-680, 28 Απριλίου.
- Zahn, R. (2013) “European enlargement and the economic crisis: impact and lasting effects“, European Trade Union Institute, Working Paper 2013.1.