Charountaki, Marianna, (2015), “A European Union without Greece would be a much diminished force”, LSE blog, 30 Ιουλίου.
What would a failure to resolve the Greek debt crisis mean for the EU as a whole? Marianna Charountaki writes that while the debate over Greece has often focused on narrow economic issues, a Grexit would have far wider implications, undermining the foundations of the integration project and necessitating a complete restructuring of the European Union.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Caporaso, James, Kim, Min-hyung, Durrett, Warren, (2015), “Still a regulatory state? The European Union and the financial crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 22, Issue 7, 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2014.
- Pagliari, S., Vallée, S. & Monnet, E. (2014) “Europe between financial repression and regulatory capture“, Working Paper 2014/08, Bruegel Think Tank, 10 Ιουλίου.