Sawicki, Dawid, (2015), “Rising inequality in the Eurozone underlines the need for a fiscal union”, LSE blog, 3 Ιουλίου.
How has inequality within Eurozone states changed during the pursuit of Economic and Monetary Union? Dawid Sawicki writes that in the majority of Eurozone members income inequality has increased substantially since 1990. He argues that this is partly the result of a lack of automatic stabilisers within the Eurozone that can compensate for economic shocks, and that the increase in inequality presents a compelling case for a genuine fiscal union between those countries using the single currency.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Pichelmann, Karl, (2015), “When ‘Secular Stagnation’ meets Piketty’s capitalism in the 21st century. Growth and inequality trends in Europe reconsidered”, European Commission publications, Economic Papers 551, Ιούνιος 2015
- Sauga, Michael, Reiermann, Christian, Schult, Christoph, (2015), “Breaking a Taboo: Plans for Euro-Zone Tax Take Shape”, Spiegel Internationale, 30 Ιουλίου