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Double bank runs, liquidity risk management, and Basel III

Ippolito, Filippo,  Peydró, José-Luis, Polo, Andrea, Sette, Enrico, (2016),  “Double bank runs, liquidity risk management, and Basel III”, Voxeu, 10 Μαΐου

By providing liquidity to credit line borrowers and depositors, banks are potentially exposed to simultaneous runs on their assets and liabilities. This risk became a reality when the European interbank market froze in the summer of 2007. This column discusses the risk of double-bank runs, liquidity risk management by banks and the implications for the regulation of the financial sector, in particular Basel III. In 2007, banks with a larger exposure to the interbank market suffered a spike in drawdowns on their outstanding credit lines to firms, and were effectively exposed to a ‘double-run’. Importantly, this fragility was mitigated by active pre-crisis liquidity risk management by banks.

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