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The EU’s problem-solving capacity and legitimacy in a crisis context: a virtuous or vicious circle?

Falkner, Gerda, (2016), “The EU’s problem-solving capacity and legitimacy in a crisis context: a virtuous or vicious circle?”West European Politics, Volume 39, Issue 5, 16 Ιουνίου

This article focuses on which mechanisms enabled the eurozone to escape from gridlock. At present, the EU is in a state of profound and multiple crises. Nonetheless, it managed to bring about a medium-term stabilisation of its banking system and economic governance, and a systemic implosion has so far been prevented. Considering that crucial regulations in the financial markets and economic governance are not a new idea but had been politically blocked for many years preceding the crisis, it is a major political science puzzle how and why the reforms were actually possible in an acute crisis. Drawing on Fritz W. Scharpf’s theory of the joint-decision trap, the article evaluates if, how and under what conditions crisis situations actually make a difference. Can crises possibly introduce dynamics that ‒ at times ‒ help overcome stalemate? Nine EU policies are being considered. The conclusions discuss insights for the EU’s overall system development.

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