Monokroussos, Platon, (2017), “Contrasting the views of the EU Institutions and the IMF staff on the outlook of Greek economy and the present bailout programme”, Eurobank, Φεβρουάριος
The study presented herein has been motivated by the ongoing negotiations between the Greek government and the Institutions (EC/ECB/IMF/ESM) in the context of the 2nd review of Greece’s present bailout programme. It attempts to analyze important deviations and similarities in the views presented by the IMF Staff and the EU Institutions as regards the prospects of the Greek economy, the sustainability of public debt, the fiscal consolidation programme as well as and the product and service market reforms that need to be implemented to boost productivity and restore competitiveness within the Currency Union.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Obstfeld, Maurice, Thomsen, M. Poul, (2016), “ Technical Note on Greece’s adjustment programme“, IMF Direct, 12 Δεκεμβρίου
- Angerer, J., Hradiský, M., Ciucci, M.,Mesnard, B., Vega Bordell, J., Zoppé, A., (2016), “In-depth Analysis/Greece’s financial assistance programme (March 2016)”, EuroParl/IPOL PE 574.404, 5 Απριλίου