Eurostat/Consumption per capita varied by more than one to two across EU Member States/ 13 June 2017
Ten Member States recorded AIC per capita above the EU average in 2016. The highest level in the EU was recorded in Luxembourg, 32% above the EU average. Germany and Austria were around 20% above, followed by the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Sweden which all recorded levels between 10% and 15% above the EU average. AIC per capita for twelve Member States lay between the EU average and 25% below. In Ireland, Italy and Cyprus the levels were 10% or less below the EU average, while Spain, Lithuania, Portugal and Malta were between 10% and 20% below. The Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Poland and Slovenia were between 20% and 25% below the average. Six Member States recorded AIC per capita about 30% or more below the EU average. Estonia, Latvia, Hungary and Romania were between around 30% and 40% below, while Croatia had AIC per capita just over 40% below the EU average and Bulgaria was 53% below.
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